1421 - 1430

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Chapter 1421: The start of the strongest

Everyone was escorted through the large stadium they were currently inside. They followed the butler-like looking person, slowly making their way where they needed to be. After meeting the members of the Board, Quinn was still trying to think of ways to prevent the former from using its power to influence all these people again, like how they had done so now.

'The best thing to do is probably to get Logan to gather as much information on them. He will eventually find out where all their bases are located. Or maybe they hid all this stuff when they invited the Green family to be part of the Board.'

'It's pretty impressive that even these ten have somewhat decided to work together. With how the Board members are, I will be surprised if there is no infighting between them and one trying to topple the other.' Quinn thought.

'It's due to them feeling like they are above the rest of you.' Ray replied. 'It's actually similar to why many vampires didn't bother with the humans. Even during my time, the ruling empire had a similar situation to the current scenario. They are happy with their position, and they know only together they can do something like this. If you really want to stop the Board, you would have to either break them down one by one without alerting the other or do everything at once.'

Thinking about this was giving Quinn a headache. He never thought he would have to dabble in politics or a game of chess. Lately, he had just been using his fists to solve everything because he thought that was the type of world he was in. Where power ruled all, and now he was finding out that this wasn't quite the case.

The group soon reached the winding tunnels that would stretch all around the stadium, and here they met up with more Butlers that looked different to the man leading them so far, but all wore the same uniform.

There weren't many people here in the first place, so they were easy to spot.

"From here, You will split up into two different groups." A Butler stated. "Although this is not a team competition, we have decided to split you all into two groups. After witnessing the strength of the vampires, we wish for them to witness the humans' strength as well. I hope that is okay with you."

Again, Sam had also predicted that something like this would happen, which was why they had invited Leo and Sil. It was quite comical to Quinn that others couldn't even tell that Leo was a vampire, but he guessed the main trait, the red eyes that vampires had. One couldn't see on Leo, so it partially made sense.

As expected, the two from the Cursed faction whom the Board wanted to follow the other half of the group were Sil and Leo.

"I trust that you will look after them," Quinn said.

At that moment, two people there gave Quinn a look as if they agreed to his request; they were Owen and Sach. These two were strong people who Quinn could trust, but he was worried for Leo because the latter would be next to those from Pure, and knowing their apparent history, things might get messy. Secondly, the Unranked with the white aura was among the others as well.

Since Leo had to depart from the group, he had something important to mention to Quinn before he left. He leaned in, whispering in his ear; it was so quiet that only the vampires could pick it up. With that, Leo left a piece of critical information in the hands of Quinn.

After following the butlers, they went down different ways in the tunnels, and after a long walk, they exited and found themselves in the stands, inside the large glass see-through containers.

Peering out, one could see the stadium ground distinctly, which was a generated map. It would display what was currently transpiring inside the VR game for the others to see, and inside the giant glass containers was a VR pod.

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