1291 - 1300

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Chapter 1291: Going back

Out of all the Cursed groups that had split up, one was faring a lot better compared to the others and that was Sam's group. Most of this was actually thanks to the synergy between Layla and Nate.

With her acting as the group's marksman, now that she had improved her powers she could injure most of the Masked before they got too close. Nate would be there to fight off those who had evaded her attacks, while allowing Sam to pick off the weaker ones in the back.

Layla was able to freely change between her three forms, so whenever they had a short break, she would transform into her third form, allowing her use the special flames to heal any injuries Nate and Sam, while also renewing their buffs.

There were a few times that they had struggled, in particular whenever the Masked had attacked with ability users in their midst. However, for those occasions, they had an ace in the team that their enemy had no way of dealing with, which was, once again, Layla.

Whenever they came across a troublesome ability user, Layla would quickly change into her second form and join the fray from up close. This would put more pressure on Nate and Sam, but a few four legged beasts also had come to their aid to help them fight.

None of the ability users were prepared to go up against someone who was capable of negating every single ability there was out there, making it easy for the young woman to finish off the troublesome ones.

'This is the power of having real support on our team.' Sam realised as they struggled through a new wave of Masked. 'If we'll ever have to fight this type of battle again, it would be best if we had more supportive abilities to help out the groups."

'However... just how many of those Masked are there? No matter how many we kill, their number doesn't seem to drop. If anything I think they're getting more numerous with each new wave. I'm not sure if the other two have noticed it, but each time we're getting pushed further back.'

"Sam!" Nate called out. "I'm nearly out of blood. My flask is practically empty."

This was another problem. Although Nate's stamina was great, better than most in the Cursed faction, and although nearly none of them had been injured, there was the issue of blood. Using their blood abilities allowed Sam and Nate to perform strong attacks, but without blood not only would it make them weaker they could no longer produce their red aura.

"Let's head closer to the castle!" Sam ordered.

Everyone started to slowly retreat. With no end in sight, Sam was trying to figure out how they would win this. After all, their victory condition was having to make sure the enemy didn't get the Demon tier beast. Unfortunately, he lacked critical information about how the other sides were doing, and he had a strange feeling not too long ago, he didn't think it was a good sign.

As the group was moving back, Sam could feel the back of his hair move violently, as if a storm was coming. He had a premonition that it might be dangerous to turn around, but his fear that it could be the enemy made him take a quick look, only to see a black feathered beast he hadn't seen before.

"Sam, we need a new plan!" The beast shouted, that he recognised as sort of Vorden's.

"I know, but it's kinda hard to come up with something, while we're surrounded by the enemy!" Sam replied back, slightly annoyed with the tone Vorden had given the second he had arrived.

Before Sam could say anything else, another strange creature ran past him, also passing Nate and Layla as well.

Turning around, they could see that it looked like a person, who wore the same black clothing as the Masked. However, he seemed to have cut off the sleeves of the clothing. The next moment they saw why, as both his hands formed into two gigantic blades.

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