1728 - 1800

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Chapter 1728: All Answears!

"Thanks for playing with the kids. They seemed very satisfied after you played along with them. I hope they didn't go overboard with their pranks. These kids can be a bit too much sometimes," Geo said as the two of them walked out of the small neighbourhood-like village and headed into the city to another location, where Quinn might have the answer to his questions.

"It's okay, I managed to learn a lot from them, and they seemed like good kids," Quinn replied, "I learned a bit about the Tower too, and I can't deny that I am quite curious about it. They told me all the great things about the Tower and how their life would have been different if they were there. They even said you got up to the tenth level, if you don't mind, would you tell me why you didn't become a Tower guard?"

Since Geo was helping him, Quinn thought if there was any way to help Geo within his ability, he would gladly help him. After all, that's just how Quinn was.

"The Tower, huh," Geo softly spoke as if deep in thought and eventually began to answer. "The Tower is a dream for many of the Amra race. In fact, I don't know a single person whose dream isn't to one day enter the Tower.

However, not everyone has the strength to enter, and many of those that couldn't make it past the first floor know that. Because of the Tower, I believe our race can't evolve past what it currently is.

Everyone acts extremely selfish. All with the goal of improving their life, they have forgotten about the others around them, and it was the same for my best friend, Nock. The two of us were orphaned after our parents died trying to enter the Tower.

However, our neighbourhood took us in and looked after us. They fed us, and helped us stand on our feet. Since then, the two of us had been training, fighting beasts on the outside and doing all sorts of work, all to become a part of the Tower and accomplish what our parents failed to do and make their dream a reality.

The Tower was one of the most difficult things that the two of us did, and I think if we didn't have each other's back on each floor, perhaps we would have never made it to the Tenth floor. However, we did it, but you see, there are certain rules for those in the Tower.

One is the most well-known rule that states that the people who successfully reach the tenth floor can invite their family to the Tower, to live with them. You know, I was fighting for those who raised me and brought me up, but after reaching the Tenth floor, I was devastated when I found out that the Tower didn't consider the neighbourhood as my family.

"So in the end, I made my choice. Some may think I'm crazy, but I know that there are those that eventually leave the Tower. You see, those that enter the Tower, including the guards, are always striving for more. They wish to get better and stronger, to climb the floors and reach a higher position.

"I find that there is always something above you, and if you are always comparing yourself to those above, you can never be happy with what you got. So I have chosen a simpler life that may not be for everyone, but seeing everyone in my neighbourhood, the smile on their faces, is enough for me."

It was a touching tale, but judging by the fact that Quinn had heard of no one going by the name Nock in the neighbourhood they were in and from what the kids were saying before. It seemed like Geo's friend didn't think the same way and had chosen Tower life.

It was a shame, but honestly, with the way Quinn was, he didn't think he could live the same way as Geo, to be satisfied with what he had. In fact, everything he had done was always for a better future, a better tomorrow for him, his friends and his family.

In a way, both Geo and Quinn were similar, but they were also stark opposites of each other at the same time. So while both of their goals were somewhat alike, their approach was different.

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