1601 - 1620

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Chapter 1601: The Red Vampires

The Red Vampires. Quinn knew little about them from his talks with the others. They are one of the three groups of vampires that were around in the current time of the world and were one of the reasons why vampires had gotten so much hate from humans.

It was said that these vampires were known for attacking humans, either to turn the latter or kill them. Quinn didn't know whether these vampires were a branch of the thirteen families who believed vampires were a superior race compared to humans and should rule them or were part of Laxmus's group. Maybe even a mix of both.

However, seeing the symbol that Quinn had noticed on a few items and others before made him think.

'This symbol is similar to the one Laxmus had, right? Is this a marking? Is that how Laxmus was able to gain extra strength? It was clear what he had turned that day into something beyond that of a vampire...and I remember what he said was strange.'

'Either this marking is something that these red vampires have just chosen to have on their bodies, or she might have been marked. Meaning she has a closer connection towards a celestial being. If that's the case, maybe there is something bigger behind these Red vampires. It could just be a god that is tricking them all with a fake goal so that he could get stronger in the process.'

'Sounds about right to me.' Ray replied. 'The question is how strong has this apparent god become during the time you were asleep? Remember, you have just become a celestial being and are only at the first level. Unless you are willing to create some followers and make them follow your condition, the only other way is...'

'To kill the other god's dedicated followers and absorb their energy.'

Looking at the vampire in front of him, Quinn could tell by the aura around her body. She honestly didn't see them as a threat and even believed that they were their alley. It could only be because of the bounty. What other reason would there be to put such a large bounty on one's head unless they were part of the red vampires?

Then begged the other question. Shouldn't she do something to confirm Quinn's identity if he was a red vampire? Was Quinn now supposed to show his symbol to her to prove that they were part of the same group, or was it something only high ranking members had?

'What I'm more worried about is what is or is a red vampire doing in this place? Are they planning an attack on this village? If so...it would be in my best interest to stop them. Perhaps it can be as easy as allowing them to take me to their leader and stopping him, putting an end to this red vampire mess.'

Eventually, Quinn decided to answer with the most suitable option to his situation.

"We are not red vampires," Quinn answered. "Not yet anyway but we wish to be. We had a small scuffle on one of the Graylash planets, and ever since, we have been on the run. We just found out about the large bounties now, and it looks like we messed with someone we shouldn't have."

Quinn thought this little excuse or act should be good and vague enough to satisfy their questions.

The female vampire looked the group up and down, and there was only one thing that wouldn't quite fit their group, that was Lucia. She was clearly smelt like a human but also had a bounty on her head for some reason.

"I see; if what you say is true, then come join us...though not all of you can join, but, yeah, we are always looking for those that are happy to join our cause, but there are also those that wish to try their best to hamper us. There are too many of you to introduce at once. If all goes well, I promise the Red vampires will do their best to protect you; we always look after our kind. That's what being part of the red vampires is all about." The woman answered.

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