1471 - 1480

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Chapter 1471: A Protecter

The group stepped inside the specially created teleporter, and they were on the other side in no time. The feeling was actually better and smoother than when they went through their own created teleporters. Many remembered their first experience as a few people would get sick, but the school trained the students well for that.

After stepping out, everyone started looking at each other. They were making sure each one of them was there and in one piece. Even Abdul was checking if all his fingers and toes were intact.

After the initial inspection, it took them a second or two to appreciate the new world they had arrived at. Unlike the beast planet, each of them could feel something different about the place. A mystic colour was enveloping the sky, a mix of purple and blues; even the trees, plants, and everything around them looked foreign and not even part of their universe, never mind the world.

Then there was the energy they felt, as if something was slowly slipping away from them. Leo recalled this feeling, and he could even see the little balls of energy flying around, or sense would be a better word.

The last to arrive through the teleporter was the Boneclaw, and as he stepped out, the teleporter soon disappeared.

Currently, the group was standing on mostly hard ground, with a few odd patches of purple, pink, or red-colored grass, randomly placed all over.

The Boneclaw bent down slightly and made and drew through the ground creating an x.

Then he looked at everyone else as if he wanted to say something.

Ovin, who was still on top of Leo's head, cleared his throat before speaking.

"Alright, listen up. The Boneclaw has used a lot of energy to open a portal between our two worlds. The thing is, moving in this world, you move in the real world as well. In simple words, if we want to head back to the stadium, we will have to come back to this spot.

"Then the Boneclaw will open another gate for all of us to head back." Ovin gave himself a triumphant nod, having translated everything. It was then that Quinn wondered if the Boneclaw would be coming with them on this journey. Just then, he could see it opening another portal and was leaving.

"Where is it going?" Quinn asked.

"This isn't his territory," Ovin answered. "Most likely, he's going back to check if things are alright back there, and he will need to borrow the energy from the others to open a teleporter to take us all back as well."

It made Quinn wonder if the Boneclaw could have just teleported them to their destination then, but it was probably due to the energy problem.

"You said all the kings have a territory, correct?" Sunny asked. "Then whose territory are we in right now?"

Ovin pointed towards the large figure with his paw, indicating that it was the Horse's territory.

"From here, if we keep up a good pace, it will take us around an hour or so to get there, but maybe they can help us out," Ovin explained.

"Is it not possible for you to create a portal and move us all to our right location?" Layla asked. "I mean, Quinn's familiar got us here, can't you at least do that?"

This comment had clearly frustrated the cat, and it looked like he was going to pounce off from Leo's head any second, but before he could, Leo grabbed his familiar and started to scratch it to calm it down.

"You see, we all have our advantages and disadvantages. The Boneclaw is just very good at using energy, and it's similar to his power in the first place. If you want me to create a fire that will burn you to ashes, sure go ahead. I'll be happy to do that." Ovin smirked.

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