2136 - 2140

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Chapter 2136: Yonbu and the Queen

Seeing Yonbu didn't bring a smile to Wince's face for a number of reasons. There had always been tales of a god that looked over the planet, and it was only because of the Royal family's treasure in the past that this god didn't get involved in so many affairs.

In the end, the person in front of her, decided to side with the Predators that had gone against her family, and in the process, a lot was lost. The reason Yonbu had supported the predators wasn't so clear, and in the end, she didn't care.

Because of Quinn, the god that looked over the planet hadn't appeared and didn't get involved in the Memerialsl affairs anymore, that was until now, at this point and time.

'Why is he here now of all times? I have to be careful, no matter what, he is a powerful god at the end of

the day.' Wince thought.

The weapon she had with her, a trident, was a replica of her fathers, made in the same shape as the one before, but it didn't contain the same power. It was made with a demon tier beast that wasn't of the same calibre, but it was one that Wince had hunted herself.

Improving her strength, she needed to step up, if such a thing was to happen again. She never counted on Quinn returning and in a situation like this, he wasn't able to help anyway.

Yonbu first looked around the room, and could see the councilmen and woman breaking out in a sweat.

"All of you can relax. I did not come here, to cause any harm." Yonbu stated. "Believe me when I say this, returning to this place gives me a sick feeling in my stomach."

Yonbu's small tentacles that surrounded the bottom of his face started to curl up, and he almost shivered at the thought. The frightening image of the Mermerial god and his actions didn't quite add up.

"I have been given a task by those that are even higher than myself. I can't explain much, but I have said this so all of you know the gravity of the matter." Yonbu explained.

Many were confused, after seeing Quinn they knew that there was the existence of other gods, but had no clue about the hierarchy or the system they had. What they did know, was it wasn't something they wanted to get involved in, not at a time like this.

"Yonbu, just state why you are here and be gone!" Wince shouted as she pulled out her trident and slammed it on the floor. She wasn't going to be intimidated. To her Yonbu was more of an outsider.

"None of you show any respect for me anymore." Yonbu complained. "I will be out of your hair and out of here as soon as I can, as long as you help me. I am looking for BB, or the one that is also known as Quinn Talen."

Almost immediately, as they heard this name, the people in the room started to look at eachother, and Wince's heart started to beat slightly faster. As she thought, the fact that Quinn had come back and this figure in front of her couldn't have been a coincidence.

"Quinn Talen left this planet long ago, he is not from here!" Wince answered.

"Which is why I ask for your help." Yonbu replied. "He helped you out before, for some reason in the past. So I figured you might have a way to communicate with him."

"I do not!" Wince replied immediately.

The thing was, Yonbu wasn't so convinced, and judging by the reaction of the others in the room when he said that name, it felt like something was up.

"And what about my request, to help find him? Did you not hear what I said? This matter is more important than the Memorial race. If you do not help there will be big trouble." Finishing his sentence, water spread out from underneath his legs and went out in a wave, hitting the others sending them back and crashing into the wall.

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