1481 - 1500

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Chapter 1481: Unbreakable shell

Everyone could tell that the attempt made by Owen was the best attempt out of all of them so far, whether it was because of the help he received from the others, the small training he had done with Leo, or the fact that Owen had actually tried, it was hard to tell, but they were waiting to see the result in anticipation.

If Owen hadn't succeeded in impressing the turtle, then they would have to quickly come up with another way to convince the king, maybe even fight and force him to form a contract with one of them.

With all of them there, they thought it would be an easy thing to do. The only problem was how the other familiar would feel about this.

From the outside, the effect of Owen's punch wasn't entirely obvious; for one, the shell was still in one piece. Perhaps it would crack soon after, but it never did, which proved just how strong the shell was. When Owen's arm fell, some of them were able to see. Once again, Genbu started to move, and he scuffled across the ground quickly in excitement.

His large head blocked the view of the shell from the others.

"My word, I must say, you...you actually...you actually managed to damage it!"

He certainly sounded pleased with the result, but the others were still amazed. It was clear the words that Genbu had spoken; he claimed that the shell had been damaged but not destroyed.

When moving his head out of the way, the others could see that a single scale on the shell, where Owen had put all his strength, had been cracked. However, the crack itself didn't ripple out to the adjacent scales, and even the base of the shell was mostly intact.

Genbu even turned the shell around, and the crack hadn't gone to the other half on the back either.

"I hope this is enough." Sunny mumbled quietly under her breath. Even the other two kings that were present weren't so sure, and they were ready to help all the others if need be to subdue Genbu.

Genbu's face was straight, showing no emotion, unlike his voice earlier, and he had his eyes closed.

"This one is talented...this one is very talented. If he can destroy one of my shells to this degree, then without a doubt, I feel he can hurt almost anyone out there. If one with the strongest defence teams up with one with the strongest attack, then the two will make a powerful combo. Far more powerful than any of the other kings." Genbu smiled.

"Does this mean you are willing to form a contract?" Sunny asked hesitantly.

To this, Genbu nodded, and the others inwardly cheered without giving too much away. They had succeeded in their task, and one more familiar, an extremely useful one, would be a part of the team.

Abdul, Layla, and even Samantha were honestly a little disheartened that they could not get the familiar. Each of them had their reasons for wanting the king on their side. Especially after witnessing how strong its outer shell was, they wanted it more, and if they were truthful, they felt like the person that needed it least was Owen.

He was already more powerful than them all, but in the end, this was what happened; those who were strong would get even stronger.

Genbu had come to Owen and was now looking him up and down. The turtle couldn't stop complimenting him about his body and features, and his attitude towards Owen had taken a full one-eighty degree turn.

Meanwhile, Quinn stood near Layla, "You did a good job, Layla."

"I honestly believe that you had the best chance out of all of them, and you actually would have produced the best result as well. However, you are selfless. Honestly, I don't think the others would have done what you did.

:>Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora