1331 - 1340

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Chapter 1331: Low and high

Somewhere covered in dark shadows, Arthur was able to witness everything going on. The plan had been set in motion and slowly things were playing out exactly as that person had foreseen it. The Punisher was surprised at the accuracy of all of it. Had the vampires always been this predictable in their behaviour?

Even though he knew that everything going according to plan should be a good thing, somehow all of it started to feel meaningless.

'I wonder how they are doing... So far he hasn't gone back on his word, so they should all be safe...' Arthur thought to himself.

He looked towards the other castle who had come under attack. His hearing allowed him to listen to the shouts and cries of all those affected, though he tried to mostly ignore them, as he closed his eyes.

'It's a shame that the other castles had to be dragged into all of this, but perhaps it's for the better. In a way, if they were forced to continue to live in this world, then it would be cruel. Take this as a type of kindness.'

Paul rushed through the castle, heading for the throne room where the teleporter had been placed. On his way there, he encountered a few of the Masked who had managed to crash through.

The Vampire Knight swiftly avoided the red aura attack, only to soon feel a fist from the two spiked Dalki hit him straight in the stomach. His body was lifted in the air, but Paul had made sure to hold onto the Dalki's forearm.

"Touching me is not a good idea." Paul's hands started to glow slightly green, and soon the Dalki could feel its whole body weakening. Banging his hands together, a set of claws could be seen appearing from his knuckles. It was a special mechanism of his gloves.

With them, Paul started to stab the Dalki over and over right in the chest, yet instead of growing stronger, it lost more of his strength. His blade-like claws had been laced with poison, bringing the creature also closer to death.

The Dallki dropped to the floor, and Paul soon moved over to the Masked, stabbing him right in the face, destroying the mask and killing the wearer in an instant. Still there were more down the hallway that needed to be dealt with.

"I don't have time for this!" Paul cursed.

Fortunately, he wasn't the only one in the castle. Following the noise, some of his own men came up. Those that were once part of his army and now vampires could see their commander in trouble, so they started to move towards him.

"Wait! Don't worry about me, head to the throne room and make sure it's safe!" Paul ordered.

Without hesitation, the soldiers followed his order and started to head to the teleporter.

Seeing this, the Masked and Dalki thought to turn around but before they could, a bright light started to appear from Paul. Eight large green balls of solid poison were hovering around him.

"I said, I don't have time to deal with you lot!" Paul activated his soul weapon and his deadly poison was something no one wanted to touch.

It didn't take the Vampire Knight long to deal with the intruders inside. After he was done with them, he stayed at his location to fend off any other, but more never came. Since Paul was still close to the balcony before heading off to check on the condition of the teleporter and the rest of his people, he chose to take a peek outside to observe the situation.

He could see that the gargoyles had activated and were now aiding the tenth family in this fight. Those from the pooling area were also fighting for their lives. The stronger members were dealing with the Dalki, while the weaker pooling vampires were dealing with the strange Masked.

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