1311 - 1320 - 1330

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Chapter 1311: No Longer Needed

Losing Green Horn was a significant loss to the Dalki. After all, it was one of their leaders and one of the ones that were growing quicker than the others. They had the potential to grow even stronger and were rare among the Dalki. Losing Slicer and Green Horn so quickly was not in their plan.

However, despite this, Graham smiled as he looked out from the strange mountain like a castle on the planet like ship they resided on. He could see what they had achieved at that cost. The great Dragon was being flown in towards the castle.

It was still being restrained by the strange black strings, but it looked like it had no energy to fight back in the first place. Eventually, the ships ended up going to a large facility that was at the base of the strange castle.

The facility was large in size, and there was one large building in particular that was the size of a football field. As they got close, the giant metallic doors were seen splitting open. Large volumes of green liquid were floating inside. Similar to what Graham had kept the Dalki in.

The ships slowly decided to place the Dragon in the strange liquid carefully. When dropped in, the doors started to shut again, keeping the Dragon in place.

With a leap, Graham had jumped from the top of the castle down to the facility. Landing, he caused a big bang, but the ground didn't break. The ground where the facility and the Dalki castle were on was taken from a planet with a substance known to be as hard as diamond.

Not that the Dalki were unable to break it, but it at least limited the amount of damage an area would receive. Especially since there would be conflicts just outside the castle more often than not. This was due to other Dalki challenging for the leader's seat.

Entering the facility, the doors automatically opened as Graham walked past. Inside, there weren't other Dalki working away, but Humans instead. They didn't look like fighters as they had no beast gear on, only lab coats, and someone else looked familiar in the facility as Graham walked around.

The clones of Jim Eno. They were maintaining the place, looking at computer terminals running tests on Dalki and different solutions. Eventually, Graham had reached the landing room where the other ships had docked away from the Dragon.

Straight away, he could see a few Dalki leaving from the ship, and with them, they were dragging a pair of Dalki along the floor and on their back they had six spikes.

"Unfortunately, they died on the way here." One of the three spiked Dalki reported. "I know you said it was best if we kept them alive, but the Dragon seemed to be stronger than we thought."

Graham bent down and looked at the pair of six spikes. They were covered in wounds, but they didn't look bad enough for them to die from.

"We are strong, so I at least expect our ancestor to be this strong. It would be strange if it was easy for us to overpower it with just one of us, even if it's only at half its strength. You guys did a good job."

It was then from another ship that Graham could see the Dalki pulling out someone else, someone he didn't expect to see.

Walking over, he looked at the person just to make sure, and seeing that he had a specific pair of beast crystals embedded into his hands, Graham knew this was the real one.

"You often acted like you knew how everything was going to play out, but it seems like something exceeded even outside your expectations," Graham said, lifting up the body, throwing it over his shoulder.

"I want a full report of what happened on that island, how many of them there were and who else was there. Also, bring those two with you." Graham ordered leaving the room.

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