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You kept your eyes on the back hallway the entire day, hoping that your parents or other co-workers didn't make their way to speak with the police officers. Neither of the two made their way out of the bedroom for breakfast so you assumed they were still sleeping somehow.

Your mind was occupied with how so many men were able to sleep comfortably in the small room. However from what you remembered when you gave the tall officer the medicine, it didn't seem like there were so many people in the room. You assumed they left to give their sick friend space.

It was around lunch time when the tall officer came out to the lobby. A younger sister of yours was doing some reading at the front desk when he walked up to her. You were in the back room looking over some documents, when you heard his voice asking for some sheets.

"I'll bring them to you." Your sister smiled at him politely.

She had walked into the room you were in, going to the storage area when you stopped her in the doorway.

"I got this. Don't worry about it." You told her quickly, taking the sheets from her hands.

"I got it." She furrowed her eyebrows, holding tightly to the fabric.

"No. No." You shook your head. "Really I got it. You go over the profits."

She frowned further, squinting her eyes at you. You gave a smile, hoping she would not ask further questions. Though knowing your siblings, she was bound to later on. With a bright smile, you turned on your heel and skipped out the backroom. It only made her more suspicious.

It was the shorter officer who had opened the door up for you. He had only shoved his head out but seeing that it was only you and no one else he allowed you room to walk in. Your eyes quickly went over to the man who seemed to be breathing normally as he rested.

"I haven't gone to the pharmacy to get some cleaning solution and better bandages. But I should be able to soon." You told the two.

"I'll go with you." The one who opened the door spoke up. "Hongjoong told me to stock up on medicine for Mingi anyways."

You nodded your head stiffly, taking a seat on the chair you had been in last night. You moved to wipe away some of the hair that stuck to the man's forehead, pursing your lips when you noticed how clammy his skin was.

"You need to take him a bath. At least with a cloth so things don't get worse."

"I'm not taking him a bath." Yunho scolded, turning to look at his partner.

"I'm not either!" Jongho exclaimed.

"I'll do it!" You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms. "You're going to have to help me anyways. I can't move him alone."

"Let's go get the things we need before it gets packed and I won't have time." You stood up, heading to the door.

"You haven't asked us yet why we're here." The stern officer spoke up.

"Will you tell me if I do?" You asked.

"No." You gave the tall officer a pointed look.

"I don't trust you and you don't trust me. We're both walking on eggshells."

They both glared at you as they took in your words. It bothered them how well you knew how to work people. They were sure you were someone who spent her time observing from the way they saw you sizing them up when they had entered yesterday. You had much more hiding underneath and it bothered them when their captain brought it up. Of course he would be the first one to notice those kinds of things.

"You're too smart for your own good." Jongho told her.

"Smarter than you if you're a deputy running with outlaws."

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