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You were placed at the back of the group as the boys gathered all the needed materials to break into city hall through a window. You were trying to calm your breathing, wiping your sweaty hands along the material of your trousers.

You could hear the crickets chirping in the grass and the lanterns lit up through the thick fog that was casting over the town. It was a bit past midnight, the boys wanted to make sure all the occupants of city hall were asleep as well as most of the citizens. Fewer witnesses as they said.

"Hey, look at me." Hongjoong spoke up, pulling your chin. "You can back out and we won't be upset." He told you.

You turned back to the other boys, seeing Yeosang and Wooyoung ready at the window that was pried open. "It's not that." You shook your head. "I'll get over it. Promise." You gave him a reassuring smile, moving forward to the three boys who would help you.

"Get ready, Sweetheart!" Wooyoung grinned, grabbing your hand and leading you to the window. "Ladies first." He told you, allowing you room to crawl in.

As you lifted yourself up, you got caught on the sill at your waist so you had to wiggle some to get over it. However, as you were wiggling around, someone's palms were quick to grip onto your cheeks to help push you into the room. When you fell with a thud, you quickly composed yourself to see who the culprit was.

"Wooyoung!" You whisper-shouted, looking at the grinning boy who was climbing in.

"Sorry." He laughed, stepping into the room. "I couldn't resist."

Before you were able to get the chance to retort something back, Yeosang had made his way through, shushing both of you. With a quick nod back outside the window, he led you and Wooyoung out of the office you broke into and to the hallway.

"Which way?" Wooyoung asked.

"This way." You explained, having known most of the layout for the building.

It wasn't much, but it was enough for one to have trouble finding what they needed. It was only two stories, but the vault was placed directly in the middle of the first floor behind the front desk. When you made it to the large silver doors, Yeosang quickly walked up to it and moved the lock dial around for a bit before turning back.

"Wooyoung." He called the boy.

"Going!" Wooyoung singsonged.

You watched as he placed his ear to the door, moving the dials a certain way and very slowly. As he heard clicks behind the metal, a grin began to make its way onto his face the moment the last click sounded.

"Got it." He called, shoving the large door open.

You took in a deep breath as the sight of piles of money seemed to come into view. You slowly walked in behind the two boys, eyes on the paper. Your shoulders suddenly dropped as you thought about all of this going to the wrong kind of people.

All of this could be used to help out the orphanage or the fishermen at the docks or the farmers who supplied the city with food. But yet, here they were taking the money in an illegal manner to give to them yourselves. You knew this money belonged to the people who worked here, but the taxes were in place for a reason. Maybe they didn't need to be so high, but it was too late now to return it all to the right people.

"Let's get this show on the road." Wooyoung clapped his hands together, dropping multiple bags onto the floor.

You snapped out of your stupor before quickly moving to fill the bags full of bills that you had never even had the chance of seeing in person. Who knows how someone was able to get that kind of money. But you still moved along with Wooyoung and Yeosang, filling bag after bag.

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