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There were only so many night shifts your parents would ever allow you to have. The rest of the week was spent sleeping once again back in your own bed. You did worry on occasions about how Yeosang was doing but you would just go and check on him during the day. Lucky for him things went smoothly and he was much better by the end of the week.

You had yet to see the other men again seeing as they only came at night. There was a day that your father had explained he heard some noises outside but just assumed it was some racoons or possums searching for food. The boys looked at you with scowls on their faces when you gave Jongho and Yunho an earful. There were no more noises the following days.

"It's been a week since those cops arrived from the capital and they haven't so much as said any reason for why they're here." A patron of the saloon started.

"I'm sure it's something they want to keep a secret. So as to not scare the citizens." Your father tried to defuse the tension.

"I think it has to do with that gang that's closing in." Another person entered the conversation. "They said the last town they stopped at was robbed blind. All the cash in the bank was stolen right under their noses."

"It wasn't the bank." Someone else shook their head. "It was Harthorne's wealth. That jacked up man high on his own tobacco."

You shook your head, picking up some of the money your father had in the register to move to a safe in the backroom. Two of your siblings were waiting at the front desk as you walked closer with the locked box of cash.

"Do you think the gang is coming here next?" Your sister asked.

"No." Your oldest brother answered. "Cromer doesn't have overly wealthy men they would steal from."

"We do have a mayor though." Your mother butted in, eyebrows furrowed as she looked over some papers. "One who just raised our taxes."

"Again?" Your brother shook his head.

"So it seems." Your mother sighed.
"Hello." All four of you turned your heads towards the person who had entered the lobby.

Your eyes went wide. "Yeosang?"

Your family looked at you confused.

"Goodday, sir." Your mother politely told the man. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"May I speak to (Y/N) real quick?" He asked with a smile on his face.

You watched as your family looked at you shocked again. You only looked away from them, moving around the front desk to reach Yeosang.

"Oh you know my daughter? Of course you may speak with her!" Your mother spoke for you. "What a lovely young man." She spoke to you as you passed.

You sighed deeply as you passed a chuckling Yeosang. The man bowed his head to your mother, making both her and your sister swoon. You watched from the front of the opened door as he skipped over to you with his hand behind his back. Once you were out of earshot from your nosey mother and sister, you frowned at the man.

"What are you doing out of bed? You should be resting." You scolded.

"I'm fine, (Y/N). I just won't be doing anything tough." The man laughed.

"Nothing tough? You went through the window, didn't you?" You glared.

"Nothing gets past you." He grinned. You rolled your eyes at him, looking around him to notice another man walking closer to the both of you.

Seonghwa was looking over a newspaper before folding it up when he reached the two of you. He gave you a smile, which you gladly returned. While you hadn't had a proper conversation with the boys after cleaning up Yeosang, you had come to learn that he and Seonghwa were the nicer ones. At least the ones who didn't seem to retort anything sarcastic when you spoke to them.

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