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While you were left to clean up the rest of the breakfast dishes, you allowed the boys to go about doing their daily chores. You kept an eye on Jongho, who had asked the boys to move him outside of his tent for the day. There were some arguments and snarls coming from him as San and Yunho dragged him out.

"Hello, Honey." You looked up to give Yeosang a smile.

"Hi, Yeosang." You answered him.

"I see you're feeling better." He spoke up, getting closer to you. "Would you take a walk with me?" He asked, nodding his head out of the camp.

You placed the last of the dishes away, drying your hands on your slacks. "I'd love to." You skipped over to him, linking your arms together.

You both quietly walked along the trees, slowly moving to find a place where you both could enjoy the nature that surrounded you. He had led you to the spring where you had showered yesterday, making room on the rocks at the shore to sit.

"Is everything okay?" He asked you when you both got settled.

"Yeah." You gave him a confused smile. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"Can I be frank?" You gave him a nod. "I know about you and the boys."

You tried not to think the worst, but it was the first thing you could think of. They were a band of friends who probably told each other about everything. While you knew they weren't going to talk about you in any negative way, your first thought was that maybe they felt you were leading them on.

Mingi had been the only one to explain to you that they always spoke about you together but talking about it with one of them was much different. You cared deeply about what they all thought of you, so having Yeosang start up the conversation about kissing the other boys really made you anxious.

"Should I think the worst?" You took a deep breath.

"From me?" He smiled at you. "Not at all. You're worried about what we will think, aren't you?" He added.

"Every one of you has tried to tell me not to worry about it, but I do." You told him.

Yeosang took a moment to think over what to ask you. It had been a while since he had gone back to his real home. But he knew that the world viewed these kinds of things as nothing sort of strange. This was a different place that didn't understand how the feelings of people worked. Especially not women.

"Is it because you don't think it's right or because others don't?" He asked you.

You immediately turned to him. It seemed like all the boys knew what you wanted, but were holding back. They weren't going to judge you. They weren't going to call you names, you already knew all that. And hearing it from them only made you start to think they were right.

"Do you think it's okay? To feel what I feel?" You asked.

Yeosang's lips turned up in a smile. "Where I'm from, there is no limit to the kind of love you can feel. People who judge you still because no matter what you do there will always be that one person." He explained.

He suddenly looked into the water in front of you both, looking lost in thought. "Maybe it's not common yet, but that doesn't mean it's not real. You should follow what your heart wants."

"But what about you?" You asked him.

"What about me?" He laughed lightly. "I only want what's best for you."

You sighed, thinking back to your family. You could only think about how crazed they were at the moment, trying to find you. There was an anxious feeling building up in your chest every time you were reminded of how you left your family.

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