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It had been two weeks later by the time any of the boys came back to tell you about the others. Yeosang and Seonghwa had been staying with Jongho and Yunho in the meantime, rather than going back to the camp. The whole thing with the outlaw and you, made you feel unnerved. Your neighbors would look at you like you were dirt, sneering when you would pass by.

You realized the only people who didn't look at you a certain way were the ones who stayed out late at night. Word hadn't spread far for the real reason why you were sent to the police station, but you already knew that whatever the sheriff thought of you was what he told everyone else.

The girl who you had saved, you learned worked in the stables of your neighborhood. She was 17, only a year older than your sister. In fact, your sister expressed how they went to school together, telling you that the girl had always been shy but after the murders she didn't dare to look at anyone.

It made you upset knowing she was traumatized. You wanted to get to know her, try to make her return to normal. But going through something like that, you guessed it wouldn't be easy. You sighed to yourself as you were brought out of your head with Jongho and Yunho walking up to the front desk.

Yeosang and Seonghwa walked out of the office, coming to stand next to you as you leaned your torso over the wood.

"We might have found something." Yunho spoke up.

"What do you mean?" You frowned.

"Captain left a message for us." The tall man leaned closer, glancing around to make sure no one was near. "They made tracks going one way but the ashes left from the campfire were blown another." He explained. "They left in that direction." His eyes found his friends, watching as they understood what he was talking about.

"We have to find them." You quickly said.

"One step at a time, Love." Jongho sighed. "Me and Yunho will take care of it, seeing as you all need to stay for work."

Yeosang and Seonghwa both pursed their lips, realizing that they couldn't just take off with a good enough excuse.

"That's not fair." You softly cried.

"Honey, it's how jobs work." Yeosang wrapped his arm around your waist, rubbing his thumb in a soothing manner.

"I'll find something to tell my parents." You shook your head, turning to look at the man. "I have to go see them too."

While you knew they were safe from the law in Cromer, it didn't stop you from worrying about other towns being on the lookout for the outlaws as well. It was common for towns to be in the know about other crimes happening nearby. Who knew how far they had to go to find a safe place.

"We'll come up with something." Yunho sighed, watching as your eyes seemed to become downcast.

You took in a deep breath, trying to come up with the best idea you could. The only issue you had at the moment was coming up with an excuse to give to your parents. There were a lot of things you could tell them, however it was best to create a full story just in case cracks started to show.

Looking over at the boys, your eyes stopped on Seonghwa which caused him to look at you with wide eyes.

"Seonghwa never told my parents where he was from." You spoke up. "What if we say he has sick family in Dune. It's a few hours by horse. We'll be back in two days."

They all began to think over the story, nodding to themselves when they saw it as a good excuse. However, while that would be able to get the boys free from work, they couldn't guarantee your days off.

"That settles our story, but why would you need to be going?" Yeosang questioned.

"I'll tell them I'll be your navigator." You quickly prattled off. "That you don't know how to get to Dune from Cromer." Seonghwa raised a brow as you looked at him.

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