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Your jaw was clenched as you stared at the building in front of you. The boys all stood behind you, trying to come up with a plan to infiltrate city hall. The only thing on your mind though, was getting your father out and putting Hendricks behind bars where he belonged.

"How do we get in?" Seonghwa asked.

"We could use the side window, like last time." Yunho answered.

"People would notice us by the time we crawled through." San said.

"We could wait until Klein steps out and we kidnap him." Wooyung suggested.

Each of the boys were too preoccupied with trying to find a way in, that they hadn't noticed you march your way through the front doors. Your adrenaline from the anger was kicking in and you had not movement to stop your legs and think about a plan before going in.

"That would take too long." Hongjoong shook his head. "Quaid could be gone by then."


Your hands pushed the door open, making it slam against a wall. Everyone inside flinched, turning to see you walk further in and towards the back of the building.

"Hey, what's going on?" A worker asked, quickling trying to block your way.

"Out of my way." You glared, finding Klein's office and throwing the door open.

"Miss, you can't go in there." The worker called out, but you had shut the door in his face before he had the chance of walking in.

"Stop her!" Someone shouted on the other side of the door.

However you had moved to turn the key, quickly locking it. Turning on your heel you faced Klein at his desk with Hendricks sitting in front. Hendricks crossed his arms as he took you in, clenching his jaw, while Klein was confused over the whole thing.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Klein sputtered. "Who are you!?"

"Why don't you ask your dear friend Hendricks." You turned your stare to the sheriff, turning your nose up.

"Serving men well?" Hendricks asked, eyes boring into you.

"Arresting innocents ease your mind?" You sneered back, glaring at the older man.

"Excuse me—" Klein tried to put in.

"This doesn't concern you." Hendricks scolded the mayor, making you glare harder.

"Don't speak to him that way." You shot back.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" Hendricks stood from the chair, moving into your personal space.

You took a step back, an unsettling feeling falling into your chest from how much the man wanted to intimidate you. It wasn't that you were trying to get away from him. It was the you wanted room to throw a punch if need be.

Before you could say anything more, something pushed the window behind Klein open harshly. Mingi's glare was pointed into the room, hands gripping onto the window sill. He quickly lifted himself into the room, moving aside to let all the other boys in.

Klein gasped out and moved away from his desk, trying to get away from the 8 boys who were slowly crawling in. When Hongjoong stepped through, his harsh glare turned to everyone in the room before stopping at you.

"Did you really have to lock the door?" Yeosang asked you, sighing in disappointment.

"Get back!" Hendricks glared, quickly pulling out his gun from his holster.

When the boys all heard the click of it, Yeosang was quick to put a hand out in front of you while the others moved to get closer to your side. You heard Klein gasp as Jongho and Seonghwa pushed him out of the way to reach you. He placed a hand on his chest, looking appalled at the boys.

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