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It was that time again in the night when everyone was going home to rest. Yeosang had walked up behind you at the front desk, placing his hand on your waist. You took a glance at his arm, feeling heat seep into your skin from over your dress. Ever since the day you spent with them

"I'll see you two in the morning." Yeosang told both you and Seonghwa. The older man had the night shift that day so he would be staying. "Goodnight, Honey." His thumb rubbed against your clothing, a small smile playing on the man's face.

"Goodnight, Yeosang." You told him. "Be careful."

You were left to count some of the money while Seonghwa read over the guest lists and wrote down who paid their room days. After you finished with what you needed to, you moved around the counter to get on with the last of your things.

"I'm on trash duty." You hummed. Seonghwa continued on with his tasks, rubbing a hand on your hip as you both passed each other. With a sigh, you picked up the large bags and begun your trek out to the trash cans.

While most would have their own trash cans, as a business you had to share with others. And yours was stationed on the other side of the hotel between another building. It took a good 5 minutes in total to reach the alleyway and head back inside.

Just as you closed the lid to the large trash bin, you heard squeaks and a panicked voice. Walking out of the alley, you glanced around to see if anyone else had noticed. The sun had begun to set earlier than usual so most people were already hiding inside their homes. The crying began to get louder which prompted you to investigate. Walking across the street, you found yourself in the alley across from the hotel.

Your eyes went wide and air was sucked out of your lungs when you saw three men roughly grabbing a woman. You didn't stop to think about what to do, you did the first thing that came to mind. That was to shout.

"Hey!" You screamed. "Let go of her!"

You rushed into the scene, blinded by rage to realize you had quickly formed your hand into a fist and slammed it into one of the men's cheek. Your rings had helped to aid you in your bout seeing as they caused scratches along the man's face. Blood began to pool on his skin as he sucked on his teeth.

The men had paused in their actions of gripping the woman, turning to you. The one you had injured moved a finger to touch his wound, scoffing at the pool that stained his fingers. The other two men had dropped the woman they were holding onto which moved you into action to hold onto her.

"Run." You told her, getting your brain to move into flight mode after the adrenaline wore off. You pushed her in front of you, feet scoffing the floor. Just as she took off, someone gripped onto your hair causing you to let out a yelp. "Get away!" You shouted when you saw the girl turn around to look at you.

You immediately fell to the ground in protest, becoming dead weight for them. You clawed at the hand that was twisting your hair, kicking your legs. "Grab her." Your eyes shut tight at his words, kicking you feet more as the other two men moved to get your legs.

You screamed and raised your legs, hitting one man in the nose with the heel of your boot. You hooked your ankle around one of the man's pulling it towards you to trip him up. They growled at you in frustration, getting angry before pinning you to the floor instead of picking you up.

"Shit. You just lost us our good time." The one you punched sneered, coming around to kneel over you. "Now you gotta pay us back."

Your eyes opened wide when the man pulled out a pocket knife, pressing it into your cheek. You began to breathe hard, panic seizing in your chest. A whimper fell from your lips as the man moved the knife down.

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