chappie 20

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elayah saw andrew

andrew saw elayah

their eyes met and time stopped

andrew smiled and walked over to elayah.

"hello stranger I'm andrew" he smirked putting his hand out for her to shake his hand. she smacked his hand away and wrapped her arms around his neck, since she was shorter than him he had to bend down, but ended up just picking her up off the ground because his back was hurting.

"I-i've missed you so much" andrew whispered to her, still holding his tight grip he had on her. "I've missed you a lot more" elayah replied.

andrew put her back down on her feet, "come on let's go, everyone's waiting for you" andrew said smiling. "oh my fuck andrew, when did you get a septum piercing??" she asked touching the piercing hanging from his nose. "a while ago, I wanted to surprise you. you look beautiful by the way" andrew easily flirted. "I look a mess, the hell you talking about?" elayah laughed.

andrew wrapped his arm around her shoulders and said "you're beautiful all the time" elayah rolled her eyes, which made andrew laugh.

×skip car ride there×

elayah walked up to her door, the door she was all too familiar with, the door she banged her head against when she was 5 and knocked her tooth out, the door her dad proposed to her mom in front of, the door andrew and her had had their first kiss at when they were 13, the door she grew up with.

she walked inside and saw her now blue haired sister on the couch (pic). "elayah!!" she shouted running over to her, "hey cam, I've missed you" elayah said hugging cameron. "where's mama?" cameron pointed to the kitchen.

elayah walked over to the kitchen waiting until her mom noticed her. "shit elayah you be goin' aroun' scarin' people like that" she dropped the dish she was washing and elayah ran over and hugged her "I've missed you mama" elayah said smiling, 'I've missed you too, how's California?"

"ehh it's alright" elayah shrugged.

×skip all the greeting because the author is too lazy to write all of it×

later that night around 11, she was sitting on the couch watching "China IL." people, andrew was over as well.

"elayah this show is dumb, what the hell is up with their voices, you've been hangin' around them white folk too much" andrew commented. "hey andrew?"


"shut the fuck up"

"oh" andrew groaned "can we at least watch a movie"

"Put a damn movie in, ugh you're already irritating me and its the first day back" andrew laughed and rolled on the floor to the movies under the tv.

he ended up putting in "A Haunted House"

he crawled over to where elayah was on the couch, getting on the couch and laying on her stomach, because she was taking up the couch.

andrew whisperer to elayah "is this okay?"

"y-y-yea its fine" he nodded and then wrapped his arms around her waist, elayah had tensed but as the movie started she relaxed and ended up drifting off to sleep. but before she went to sleep she heard andrew say "goodnight beautiful, I love you"


ello dumplings.

I went from 8k to 9k to 10k in like 2 days



qotd: favorite ship from any fandom?

aotd: larry, zarry, cake, malum, cash, jolinsky

the other day my friend asked "who's your favorite solo artist" and I said "zayn" and I swear I was on crack or high or something because I laughed for like 20 minutes, I'm so funny sometimes (lies)

ly guys :))

-jay the bae ;))

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