A Dragon's Tale: book 2

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It was late in the night, and Sakura was having a new kind of dream of herself. In a from, she didn't understand. Her dream showed her soaring in the midnight sky with dragon wings. She even had a dragon tail, horns, feet, claws, and eyes. She also had scales in certain places. Her ears were elliptical. The moon was full and bright. Flying above the clouds and cutting through them. She was smiling endlessly in this dream. She then saw the queen's palace; her dream was becoming more exciting by the second. She landed on a balcony that had two tall guards standing by the door. They greeted her in friendly tones. They seem like they know her somehow. As she walked through the halls of the palaces, she shifted to a human form. Like she had two forms in this dream. She came to a pair of doors that was defully the throne room's doors. The man and woman who stood guard opened the door for her. Queen Hera, sat on her throne with a smile. Sakura walked in the chamber and then bowed to her queen.

"There's no need for that," Queen Hera told Sakura as she stood up and walked towards Sakura.

"R-right," Sakura instantly stopped bowing. "Why did you called me anyway?" she asked.

"Because I have no hairs, and I cannot allowed my kingdom to fall into the hands of some, some."

"Tyrant?" Sakura ___________, trying to help finish her Queen's sentence.

"Yes!" Queen Hera exclaimed. She then sighed heavily. "I want you to be my hair Sakura."

There was a moment of unbreakable stillness, until Sakura exclaimed, "WHAAAAAAAT?! YOU WANT ME! TO BE YOUR HAIR?!" Sakura pressed her hand against her head. She stroked her black braid, her eyes widened. Her mind racing faster then she could think.

"I know this must be a lot for you to take in," Queen Hera commented.

"Yes, no, AAAHHH!" Sakura threw her arms in the air wildly.

"Do you need to sit down?" Queen Hera asked in concern.

"Yeah, I think so," after setting Sakura down on a chair that Queen Hera had ordered from one of the servants to get. The Queen began to tell Sakura the reason why she wanted Sakura to be her hair. Then Sakura realized in her dream that she was older then she already was. Possibly twenty eight or so. After the conferation ended, Sakura waved goodbye and made her way back to the balcony, shifted to her half human half dragon form and took off into the night sky.

Sakura's alarm blared loudly, awaking her and the half human, half dragons siblings (she doesn't know that she related to them). "Morning everyone," Sakura said as she yawned. The younglings got up and stretched, then went to the boxes that held their clothing. Sakura went to her closet to get her school uniform. The group got dressed in different areas, so no one saw the other naked. Soon afterwards, the younglings helped Sakura with getting her school things around. Sakura had missed the rest of the school year from last year.

Although she did enter the contest that Mr. Yellow Dog had told her about. And she won! She used some of the prized money to get her and her mother new phones, a new laptop, crafting materials for all sorts of stuff. The rest was used for paying the bills and other things. The remaining of the prize money was saved for the future.

"Hmmm," Sakura was thinking hard on what to do with the six younglings in the kitchen.

"Something wrong?" Riptide asked as he brought Sakura's phone that she had left in her room.

"I can't decide if I should leave you guys here by yourselves, or bring you all with me," Sakura told Riptide.

"Oh," Riptide realized that Sakura had been taking care of them, but she was missing school. "Maybe we could come with you? Here's your phone by the way."

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