Dragonformers: Dragon Hunt

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Many years ago

"Jack, Raf, Miko," Fowler called out from the bottom floor. "Time to get up for your finial exam." No response.

"I'll get them," a man with black hair and brown eyes told him. "We can't be late." He headed up but to find their beds empty and their things gone. The window was left open. "Fowler!" he called out as he bolted down the stairs. "They're gone!"

"Maybe they're-" Fowler was cut off by the man.

"Their things are gone as well!"

"Chief!" a random person came in a breathless voice. "The dragons from the arena are gone!"


"Someone must've let them out, because the cages' door are open with no holes!" he exclaimed panting.

"Search everywhere!" the chief instructed. "With those wing cuffs they won't get-"

"Ummm, the wing cuffs are no longer on the dragons," the man told his chief. "Whoever let them out also removed the cuffs."

"Then focus on finding Jack, Raf, and Miko!" The Chief pressed two fingers against his eyes, rubbing them. For six days they searched and searched, but they did not find them. Time moved on and it turned into three years. No dragon attacks came, as if their nest was attacked. Or better yet ... destroyed. What they then assumed that the youngsters had died by fighting at the dragons' nest and protecting them. They're wrong ... almost. They did fight at the dragons' nest, but they did not die. They fought alongside dragons at the nest, ones they rode and ones they didn't.

The dragons that fought beside them were ruled by a terrible alpha. They killed the alpha and a freed the dragons who were in chains of fear. The iron grip of the alpha's talons was finally released. They traveled miles until they reached an uninhabited (by people) island. Lushed with forests, springs, lakes, pools, caves, caverns, cliffs, and it was miles from the nearest clan.

Now, living among the dragons, they learn secrets, earning their trust, and talking to them with understanding of what they are saying. As well as learning powers that can be bestowed upon them. But how long until they reunite with their clan? How long until their clan sees that they were wrong about dragons? How long before their clan joins any dragon hunters?

Chapter 1

Family-Dragon Encounter

The chief of the clan sat alone in the Great Hall, he was going through drawings of him, his son, and his two adopted children, Raf and Miko. It was far pass midnight, and yet he was awake. He sighed both heavily and tiredly, "Why did you three pull that stunt?" His voice was shaky. Placing his arms on the long table and his hand against them, his eyes began to fell. A dreamless sleep carried him away.

"You're still doing this?" Fowler asked, annoyed that he was still doing it.

"I haven't been able to sleep ever since-"

"Jack, Raf, and Miko pulled that stunt and never came back?"


"Jake," Fowler began. "There hasn't been a dragon attack ever since they did that. You should be proud of them. Even if they didn't make it back."

Jake didn't answer, he only got up and walked out of the Great Hall. He walked through the morning sunlight to the workshop. His hand traced the tools, deck, and undraw papers. He went back to when Raf was a hard at studying, Miko always being full of energy, and Jack ... his son ... taking carry of them. Memories that wouldn't bring them back to him.

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