The 6 Cyborgs of Voltron

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Chapter 1

The Explosion

In a facility, a group of scientists were studying a piece of unknown technology. A sixteen-year-old boy comes into the room. "Hey Mom, hey Dad, hey sis, hey Uncle Leo," he calls out.

"Hey Atom, how was school?" his father asked while not taking his eyes off of the piece of technology.

"It was fine," Atom told them. He saw the relic; he came up to it. "What is that?" he asked.

"We did not know," his uncle Leo told him. "We think it belonged to a bean who was believed to be a god or goddess." The object began to glow in a blue color as Atom came closer to them.

"Huh," Atom's older sister ________.

"Atom, could you move back a little?" his mother asked.

"Umm, okay?" Atom took a few steps back and saw the relic's glow faded. Atom step closer then back again. "Why is it doing that?" Atom asked for them. "Dose it know me or something?"

"I don't know," his father told him. "Needs further study." For the next few days, they study of how it reacted to Atom's purestuns. How bright it glowed when he was near, or when he was far. One day, when none of them were looking, Atom touched the strange metal sphere. "ATOM!" his father shouted. Atom jumped, but a bright light blinded all of them in reaction to Atom's touch.

"What just happ..." Atom's sister paused before finishing. Because the metal sphere was gone, but in its place was a blue gemstone. "ened?"

"Atom," his father began, "don't touch it." Atom didn't response. His father came up to him and saw that his eyes were glowing a azure color. "Atom?" both Atom's uncle and father picked him up, and set him over by the wall, hoping that he would snap out of it. He didn't. When they went back over to the gemstone, they scanned its energy.

"These readings are off the chart," Leo commented. He glanced back at Atom and saw that his eyes were still glowing. "Buck," Leo began, "I think Atom needs to touch it."

"What?!" Buck exclaimed.

"He's probably going to be like that until he-" Leo stopped. An explosion boomed. They were thrown off their feet and Atom, was dead.

Chapter 2


The fire executioners were spraying water to put the flames. Leo and Buck were removing ruble off of Atom. The girls were looking for the gemstone. Its glow relived its location, "Careful Lilly, we don't know-"

"ATOM!" the girls whipped around to Buck's voice. "ATOM, CAN YOU HEAR ME?" Buck was down on his knees. Atom was in a puddle of blood, his body was torn, his organs showed, part of the inside his head showed. Buck's eyes filled with tears. "Please Atom, come-come back." Security guards came in to see what caused the explosion, and they saw Atom's corpse. Lilly, was holding the gemstone. It for some reason, it still glowed as Lilly brought it closer to Atom.

"Dad?" Lilly said, but her eyes were to the corpse of her younger brother.

"We need to take him to the Dark Room," Buck told them. "Give me a hand Leo."

"Buck, you can't be serious."

"I'm DEAD serious. The tech in that room can bring him back." Buck told them.

"Hang on, let's get a stretcher." Atom's mother ordered the guards to get them a capstone. "NOW!" One of the guards bolted off and came back with it. They slid Atom onto it, rushing to the Dark Room. Once they were inside, they placed Atom on a metal table and began to work on his body. Lilly carried the gemstone to another table where she set it down. It continued to glow, but they were more focus on bringing Atom back. Replacing parts of his body, until they were done closing his injuries from the explosion. The parts were replaced with a metal body along with the part of his head that was torn off.

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