The 4 Children

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Chapter 1

The Kidnaping

In India, a twelve-year-old girl walks through the store and two men eyed her, their coats were beep blue, guns hidden in them. The girl's phone rang, it was her mother calling her. "Ok, I'll be there," than she hang up, the two men slowly follow her, into an ale.

"Miss, you are coming with us." The men seized her arms, she fought back but was shoved in an all-black car, windows covered in black paint. the man with blond-colored hair shoved her in the van. She yelled for help, but one heard her cries, "Shut it!"

"LET ME OUT!" She cried, her dyed tip purple hair brushes the cold floor, her necklist drop to the ground. She weipe and whipe until she fell asleep. The van stopped at an airport the planes was as white as snow, it had an owl with a knife in its talons. The man with black hair picks up the child without waking her up.

"Here she is boss. What is she for aging?" The man questioned, but the boss would not answer, instead he pointed to a stretcher and telling him to put her on it and there are three others to get, and then he would tell why they needed them. His white coat held four vials, each had a picture of an animal, a tiger, a wolf, a cheetah, and a jaguar.

In the southern part of Africa, a five-year-old African girl is playing with her thirty-two-year-old brother. A gun shot goes off, and her brother falls back, dead, and cold to the touch. The girl tries to run but was shot in the leg. Blood trickles down the child's lime as she limps, but she wasn't fast enough. The man grabbed her and toster her into the car, leaving the body for locals to discover. Arriving at the airport at the dead of night. "Shut her up!" their commander called out as he fibbed with a cigarette, flicking it out to the road.

"I'm trying!"

"Try harder!"

"Let go!" the African child opened and shut it down and the man felt a huge amount of pain.

"Ow! She bit me!?" he cried

"After her we'll move on to the boy." The man in the white jacket

"Boy? What is going on?!" the girl thought to herself. Against her will, she was put to sleep.

"What's the boy's name?" his leader gave him the snake eye, "Just curious." He shrugs.

"Daniel. Daniel Wing." He replied as he entered the cockpit. "Set from American, this boy will be my wolf. And after him my jaguar will also by mine." An evil grin appeared on his face. As they entre Love Field the girl was staed, within an hour the eight-year-old Daniel Wing greeted with a sharp slap and being tied to a sit. The door made a loud noise as it was closed.

"Where are you taking us?!" The boy demanded.

"Your new home." The man smirk as they set a course for South American. Arriving there, they knock out the children, putting them in slumber.

"Do you really want to have kids and teenagers as your test subjects?" One of the men asks, but his commander didn't reply. They soon had all four test subjects and stetted a corst to their lair.

Chapter 2

The Experiments

The lair was cold and creepy, the curly men strip the kids from their clothes except for their underwear and bra (For the girls they still had their bras on). In a deep and harsh tone the children were told to go in a separate room and sit in a chair with devises attach to it. The man in the white vest looked at Daniel, he admired that he was standing his ground, but the boss didn't need Daniel to stand his ground. He wanted him to go in the chamber. The men in what seemed like swat gear grab Wing by the arms, but Daniel fought like a wolf that would not give up so easily. Once the kids were strap to the device in the chambers, four men in lab coats visited each room, placing vitals of the serum into their spots. In three minutes, the green liquid drained down its' container. The children screamed and yelled in pain, the twelve-year-old swared in the pain. The pain went on for hours, and when it ended the first thing the young ones notice, was their senses were enhance, a metal couler slipping around their neck and wrists, being yank to their feet, and a muzzle on their mouth. The serums were now in the children's blood, but the pain was not over, that, that was only the beginning of the experiments, the next experiment would give enhanced strength and change their body form. Each experiment was harsher than the last one, when they were finally done, the children no longer looked like humans, they looked like animals. It was from the experiments to endless tests, and endless loneness, the only time they had together and not with the scientists or soldiers, was when they were either in their cell, or in the yard. They could slowly feel their humanity slipping away, but they stayed strong. They learned how to fight, hack, and how to use a gun.

"I wish we could go home," one of the kids said in a sigh.


"LIGHTS OUT!" one of the gardes shouted out. It was midnight at the base and the atsectes were back in their cell, that was their routing, wake up, eat, begin test and training, sometimes go to the yard, eat, go to bed. It went on like this for days, to months, into years.

"Light yourself out," Sorya muttered to herself.

"Watch what you say," Daniel whispered in a hush tone.

"I wanted to go home," Talha winded while lining against Daniel's arm.

"Someday," just then a huge explosion was heard, shouts called through the building, rapped gunfire echoed. "Shh, it's ok we're here," Daniel said in a soft to Talha.

"Get-," the men in front of the cage were killed or ran away so that they would not die, and Daniel covered Talha's eyes and close his.

"Sir!" one of the soldiers shouted, "you need to see this!"

"By golly!" the commander exclaimed.

"Should we kill them sir?" lower officer

"No, they seem like they been through hell!" he pointed at their scars.

"How will we know if they won't bite us?!" the soldier complained.

"only one way to find out," the commander finished off.

"HEY!" they whipped their heads to the tiger in the cage, "We're kids, and we don't like to bite! And before you think it, no you can not turn into one of us if we did,"

"Sorya!" Daneil shouted to her.

"Can you take us home?" Talha asked while removing Daneil's arm, Daneil groaned he was trying to keep them safe.

We could make a run for it. No, we're still chained up and Talha is too young to understand. Daneil tugged on the thought, the supper officer commanded six men to guard the children while the rest took care of the enemy. I bet they will just cut us open, or even worse!

"You ok Daneil?" April saw how distrone he was, and she wanted to go up to him and talk to him, bit they were still lock up.

"I'm fine!" he said in a harsh tone, teeth barded Talha nudged Daneil the best she could in a loving way that is. "Just, just wish we could escape on our own,"

"Escape?" they turned their heads

"Don't you like it here?"

"How stupid are you?!" Sorya outburst.

"Sorya!" all three other kids shouted.

"WE HATED IT HERE! WE WERE TAKEN FROM OUR FAMILYS! ALL WE WANT, IS TO GO HOME!" the soldiers looked at each other and their stomates turned like a storm, "we can't back the way we were, the experiments were permanent," one of the soldiers ask what their names were and how this had happened. It was like retelling a fan made story, but it was real. When they were done one of the soldiers burst into tears.

"That is so sad, maybe we should-,"

"No, Darik, your plans are aways bad,"

"No, well sometimes, but not always!" The kids laughed at the men's argument. After the forteriste was secure the man in charged came closer to the children he asked for their names. They didn't respond, this made he think that they were shy but no, they were scared. Scared to talk to new soldiers. Daneil pulled Little Talha closer to his chest, she could hear his heartbeat. "Buy, buy this American pie, oh the sheby was dire," They turned Sorya as she singed "American pie."

"How about we get you kids out of here? Hum?"

"YES!" all the Kids shouted with joy. One by one, the troops unlock the shackles and get into a jeep. 

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