Transformers Ancient Serums

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Chapter 1

"Uge." Bumblebee slowly opened his eyes.

"He's waking up. Ratchet get over here!"


"Hey Bee, how are you feeling?"

"Uge. Like I have been used as a punching bag and like all my insides have been ripped out and replaced." Bumblebee started to sit up.

"That bad?"

Ratchet came in the med bay. "Lay back down," Ratchet told Bumblebee. "Let me have a look at you." Ratchet scanned Bumblebee with several different computers and scanners. A ________ expression appeared on his face.

"That bad?" Bumblebee asked noticing Ratchet's look.

"No, yes, I don't know?"

"Aren't you a medic?" Smokescreen ___________.

"Yes, but I have never seen this before," Ratchet protested.

"What?" Smokescreen came over to where Ratchet was standing. "What in Primus's name is this?"

"That's what I'm wondering," Ratchet said. He sighed. "Bee, I'm going to take some samples of your energon."

"Okay..." Bumblebee said weakly as he laid. Ratchet told several samples of Bee's Energon, and when he got what he believed was enough, he left and told the two that he'll come back to check on Bumblebee. But if anything happens, he wanted Smokescreen to come and get him. "Smoke," Bumblebee began, afraid to ask, but he wanted to know, "what happened? I don't remember anything after the decepticons captured me."

"I don't know Bee," Smokescreen told him. He squeezed Bumblebee's hand. "Our best guess is that Megatron must have had Soundwave and Shockwave injected the Ancient Serums into you. Guess he wanted to know what you could do. But when we finally found you. You were in the worst state I have ever seen you in. Do you remember us rescuing you?"

"Nooo.... It's all a haze."

"Oh, Bee. You were screaming in agunig loud enough for us the hear. When we pulled you off the table they had you on, you screamed even louder. And ... it was unbearable for all of us. Even for Optimus. We called Ratchet in to open a Ground Bridge so he could run tests on you."

"Were Raf, Jack, and Miko there?" Bumblebee asked.

"Yeah. Raf didn't want to go home when he saw you. He wanted to stay and wait to make sure you'll be okay."

"Where is he now?" Bumblebee asked slightly in pain.

"My guess, he's done with school and is riding with Miko in Bulkhead and is on his way here."

"How long did the decepticons have me?"

"They had you for five months."

"Five Months!" Bumblebee exclaimed then groaned in pain.

"Hey, take it easy. What's important now is that you're safe."



"Do you think the decepticons plant something in me?"

"They did," Smokescreen told Bumblebee with a sigh.

"What?" Bumblebee's eyes widened.

"It was a tracking and mind controlling devise. Ratchet managed to take it out and destroyed it."

"That all happened?"

"That and some other stuff," Smokescreen said in a __________ voice.

"What other stuff?" Smokescreen sighed heavily. "Smoke?"

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