Transformers Last Mysticbot Alive

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Chapter 1

In an underground tunnel, six Mysticbots were running to a chamber. Explosions echoed through the wall; ruble fell from the celing. Why is happening? Bumblebee, who was about to turn thirteen in the next three days, was being pulled to the Ancestral Chamber by his father. He was the youngest in his family, and he had never thought something like this could happen. How were they discovered? They had keep their family secret hidden so well. Explosions echoed through the walls. His family, had hoped to wait until he had turned thirteen in the next three days. But they could no longer wait. They had to do it now. Before the intruders broke through the barrier. Opening the door to the chamber, Bumblebee was ordered to go into the center. His mother closed and put a barrier spell on the door then the entire chamber.

"We need to do this fast," Bumblebee's older sister said as energon dripped from her shoulder.

Bumblebee's father dented down and placed his hand on Bumblebee's shoulder. "My son," another boom echoed as Bumblebee's siblings and mother got in place, "you must stay hidden, stay a secret, and most importantly, STAY safe."

"But ... what about you?"

"Our time is coming to its end. But not yours."

"Wait ... you're not saying that you're not coming with me?!"

"I'm afraid so. All of our race's history, knowledge, tradition, all of it, will be with you."

"But, I thought I was to-" Bumblebee was cut off by his father.

"I'm sorry, but now all of it has to be transferred to you now. If not, all of it, will be lost." Another boom echoed.

"It's now or ever," Bumblebee's second oldest brother called out. Bumblebee father handed him his dagger and his family heirloom, then dashed to his place. Bumblebee looked up, took a deep breath, and his family began the transfer of knowledge. The statues lit up and a beam of light had lifted Bumblebee up. His family's eyes became a glowing white, as well as the statues. Streams of knowledge light flowed from their eyes, that touched Bumblebee's. Bumblebee could feel his kind's knowledge entering his mind. When it was done, he was set back down to the ground. He wobbled a bit, then shaking it off, his heard the barrier break through.

"Send him away! Now!" Bumblebee's mother called out. An energy beam crashed down onto Bumblebee.

"I love you guys," Bumblebee said with tears in his eyes.

"We love you too." Then he was gone, on the far side of the planet. Loud bangs hit the door.

"We must destroy the chamber." Bumblebee's father called out. "With us in it!" The family instantly began to use their blessings to overload the chamber. Causing a massive explosion. It and the bots who had discovered them were killed along with other cybertronians.

Bumblebee could feel the passing of his brethren. He was now the last of his kind. Now he had to stay hidden, stay secret, and most importantly, stay safe. Showing up in a back alley of a transport station, he heard a ship coming in for a landing. He appeared around the corner, he saw no one had seen the flash of light that indicated his arrival. Bumblebee didn't care where he was at, he just cared about keeping his promise that he would stay secret, stay hidden, and most importantly, STAY safe. He snuck onto the top of a ship that would take him several miles further from his previous home. He said farewell in his Mysticbot tunhg, and he watched the stary sky above as laid on his back. For the next two to three years, he had to steal, fight, and keep moving.

Then, on one fateful night, a tall red and blue bot who was just minding his business, spotted Bumblebee. Sleeping, under a piece of metal. Sheltering him from the falling rain. He got to his knees and said, "Are you alright?" No response came from the teenage sparkling. Pressing his hand on the sparkling's shoulder, he slightly shook him. A small groan was what he got. What is he doing out here? Doesn't have a family to get to? If not, why isn't he at the orphanage? A thousand thoughts and questions raced through the bot's head. He spotted the dagger with its astounding design and unusual markings and writing on his leg. "Where did he get that?" he wondered aloud. He tried to wake Bumblebee up again, with no results. Just groans. Worrying that the sparkling wasn't going to make it through the night, he picked him up gently and rushed to his house. While he was picking Bumblebee up, he noticed his and his father's heirlooms around his neck. Bumblebee was about sixteen or fifteen when he was found, but the years of him fighting for survival, had made him have trust issues.

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