Wings Of Fire

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Note: read the series of Wings of Fire. One cause I made some changes to the lore, second, it's an incredible book series and I recommended reading it. Aaaannnnyway enjoy the book of my version of Wings of Fire I've work on.


A seven years ago

In the Kingdom of Sand, a young female dragon was flying towards an osast that has two huts, under the night sky with a two camels in talon. Landing in front of one of the huts, she softly called out, "Bobcat?" She came in and saw the older dragon, who had rescued her from the burning sand and the closure of death, was quietly sleeping.

In the hut, there was a nest of three Sandwing eggs in the corner, four boxes of treasure on a shelf next to a strange black scroll, a desk by one of the windows, a small sculpture of a cougar on the desk holding a piece of paper, a scroll shelf filled with scrolls. Bobcat had become deeply ill, and Cactus, her adopted daughter, was becoming uneased. She ate one of the camels she had brought and left the other one for Bobcat for when she would wake up.

She went into the other hut because it was hers. There weren't as many boxes in her hut as the other one, just one box of treasure. There was a scroll self that was half filled. There was a desk by one of her windows. She glanced at the obsidian, gold, jeweled, chained necklace that was around her neck before she went to sleep for the night.

Early next morning, she grabbed a bowl and went to the pool and filled it with water. She came into Bobcat's hut and saw how weak she had become overnight. With one talon she lifted Bobcat's head, with the other, she poured the cool water down her throat. Bobcat sightly coughed, before saying, "Cactus," she coughed again, "I want, you... to take care of my dragonets."

"What?" Cactus couldn't believe what she had just heard. "Bobcat, you're going to make it." She told the older female. "You'll see your dragonets, I swear!"

"I won't live long enough," Bobcat said in a wispy voice. "And you know it."

"Please," Cactus was trying to fight back the tears. "Please hold on, please not you to." But she knew Bobcat was only going to last another night before her body would gave out. "Okay, I'll do it," Cactus told her adopted mother. "But tell me what's the black scroll is."

"I don't know what it is called," Bobcat coughed before she continued. "All I know is that it is an animus touched item," she coughed once more.

"Wh-what?" Cactus's obsidian colored eyes widen. "How do you use it?"

"There's a letter that tells you how to use it," Bobcat coughed again.

"Where?!" Cactus demanded. "Can it save your life!? Can it bring Dust back?!"

In a dry, voice she answered, "Yeeessss."

"Why didn't you use it when he was bitten by that viper?!" Cactus demanded. "WHY?!"

"Because it's an animus object, and bring back the dead, can sometimes change a dragon." She coughed once more. "Such power, needs to stay secret. Cactus," she coughed hard, "it's an item, not a dragon."

"I know," Wait, why didn't they take it to Queen Thorn? Maybe to make sure it was never stolen and would not fall into the wrong talons?

"Cactus," Bobcat began dryly, "Do not use it unless you have to." Bobcat began to ________. "And the whole reason I didn't tell you was because I want to die."


"I want to see Dust again," Bobcat told her. "But at the same time, I didn't want to leave you alone. It tore my heart in two."

There was a short moment of silence. "What else were you and Dust hiding?"

"Dust, was an animus," Bobcat told her, and Cactus eyes widened. "But he only used his powers to make him an amazing doctor, and to save you."

"So," Cactus looked at the eggs, "There's a chance one of your dragonets are going to be animus."

"Yessss," Bobcat coughed. "Please don't bring me, or Dust back," she told "Death, must come to us all."

Cactus pressed his head against Bobcat's. With teary eyes, she promised her adopted mother that she would take care of her offspring and that she would not bring Dust or her back from the dead. Bobcat died at midnight, with Cactus by her side. She was buried next to Dust.

Cactus looked for the letter about the black scroll, then remembered that the eggs would hatch when one of the three moons was full. She grabbed the boxes of treasure and put them in her own hut. She rearranged Bobcat's hut to where it would prevent anything from coming in and harming the baby dragonets. She made little dolls for them, she hunted for food to feed the dragonets. The day or night had to come for the dragonets to hatch. Cactus would have fallen asleep if the freshly born male dragonet hadn't woken her up. The other two were females. One of the females had black on the end of her scales. The other one was a pale desert colored. All the dragonets had black obsidian eye color. She fell in love with them instantly. The male dragonet looked like his father, the color of sand dust. So, she named him Dust Devil after his father. The female dragonet with black on her pale gold sand colored scales was named Viper. The pale sand colored female dragonet was named Scorpion. And they would later find out that Scorpion is an animus. And Cactus by that time had found the litter of how to use the black animus touched scroll and had used it to make a bracelet for her. A bracelet that would aloud Scorpion to use her magic as much has she wanted or needed without losing her soul.

It was a gold bracelet with rubies and Scorpion and her siblings were told that their father was an animus dragon. And that he had only use his magic to make him an excellent doctor. But Scorpion and her siblings wondered what it would be like to be among other dragons from other tribes. So, Cactus promised that when they turn seven, she would asked Queen Thorn to see if they could join Jade Mountain Academy.

Chapter 1

Seven years later

"I can't BELIEVE this is happening!" Scorpion exclaimed as her and her siblings where flying along with some other young Sandwings towards Jade Mountain Academy.

"Me ither!" Dust Devil _____________. "I hope we can meet the Dragons of Destiny!

"Focus guys," Viper told them. "We still need to get there. And the Dragons of Destiny are the teachers."

"Oh, right," Dust Devil rubbed his neck.

"I see it!" Scorpion exclaimed when Jade Mountain came to view. She started to fly faster.

"Wait up!" Scorpion's siblings flapped their wings quicker to keep up with their sister. Landing at the entrance, Scorpion saw other dragonets from the other tribes. It's amazing. I wish Catus could come.


1st or 2nd fan made story of Wings of Fire. I'm not sure what I was going for. 

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