Fathers and Mothers of Sparklings: Book 1

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Chapter 1

Optimus New War Sparklings

Optimus was on pratrol when he heard a loud thud. He transformed into bot mod and was expecting decepticons and possible even Megatron, but to his surprise, it was a Sparkling ________. He looked around to see if anyone else was around who was waiting in the shadows. He searched the area and found no con. When he came back to Sparkling ___________, he saw a metal sheet with writing on it. It said, "Take care of Bumblebee and Scarlet, Prime. They are yours now."

"Sparklings in war? This will not be easy." Optimus placed his hand on the blue pad, and it opened its hatch. Both sparklings opened their eyes and looked at Optimus.

"Optimus?" the male yellow sparkling with black marks said with wide eyes. The other one was female, and her armor was a scarlet red with light pink marks. Both, had light blue eyes. Optimus glanced around to make sure no decepticon was around. He carefully took them out and told them to follow him. They were almost at the base when Seekers shot at them from the eerily gray sky.

"Optimus Prime, how a de-" Megatron stopped at the sight of the younglings.

"Get behind me," Optimus quickly told his new younglings as he got up. Both Bumblebee and Scarlet got behind Optimus without question. Optimus pulled out his Star Saber and was prepared to fight Megatron's goons.

"He...he has sparklings?!" a female seeker exclaimed in shock.

"I do, and I'll defend them with my vary spark!" Optimus yelled.

"HA! You against all of us?" Megatron mocked. "Starscream and Thundercracker, grab the sparklings and take them back to base while the rest of take care of the old prime."

"I will never let you take them! Get run when I say run," he whispered to his youngsters.

"Decepticons-" Megatron began.

"RUN!" Optimus exclaimed. Instantly, all three bots bolted.

"After them!" Megatron bellowed. "But do not harm the sparklings." The seekers and land squad chased after them.

Scarlet tripped over a piece of rubble. She glanced back and Thundercracker was looming over her. "Optimus!" she cried. Thundercracker laughed menacing and reach for her but was blown back when a bullet hit his head with deadly force. Next thing she knew was getting on her feet and running to Bumblebee and Optimus at full speed. They ran as hard as they could, and just as the base came to view, Megatron shot Optimus from behind.

"Optimus!" the sparklings exclaimed. Megatron had his foot on Optimus's back.

"Leave-leave him alone!" (Scarlet or Bumblebee) said shakily.

"Why, you two will be my sparklings if not Shockwaves test subjects," Megaton said terrifyingly. The two stood in fear.

"I ... will never ... let you harm them without a fight," Optimus _________.

Megatron laughed, "You say that while you are on the ground."

"Bumblebee... Scarlet ... run."



"I don't think so," Megatron turned for the sparklings, but they had already bolted. But they were running away from the autobot base. Megatron felt Optimus laying on the metal ground and went after them. Optimus's autobots found him shortly after, they took him to the base's Med Bay.

"Find ..." Optimus started.

"Don't talk," Ratchet told his leader. "I'll have you fixed before you know it."

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