Transformers Outcasted

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"After him!" an autobot shouted.

"What did I do? How could they not believe me?" Questions filled his brainpan with no answers.

"Catch the traitor!"


That was the one word that repeated.

"Run, I need to run! Away from this place, somewhere safe."

Earlier, Arece and Wasp had found out that a spy was in their ranks, and it was Bumblebee. But it was not him, but the proof pointed to him like an accusing finger. It was a decepticon lie, a lie to get rid of Optimus's best scout who was soon to become a warrior. More lies were yet to come, for the real spy was still in the autobots ranks, and that he had just made the mistake of framing Bumblebee and not someone else. Optimus was disappointed in Bumblebee, but little did he know that by believing that Bumblebee was the spy, he had made an enemy that would no longer care of how many bots or cons would died in the war.

Coming back to the present, the autobots had lost Bumblebee's trail, he had putted miles from him and his former friends. "What will I do now?" He thought to himself, "they think, no they believe that I would betray them! Why would they believe a lie?!" He wanted answers, but for now he wanted to find a new place live and hide, and to clear his name. how hard could that be? All the years to come would make him stronger and more powerful than a prime. And that he would gain new friends a new team, along the way. But he would ever forgive Optimus Prime for betraying him nor his former teammates.

Chapter 1

Meet the Outcasts

Twente years later

Clacks and beeping on and off on The Outcast's computer, "How is it coming Raph?" Bumblebee had made a new team, that was more like a new family to him. Raphael's nick name was "Raph," and his family never paid an attention to him, nor his siblings. So, he ran away and had been found by Bumblebee, and he brought him to his new base and made him an official Outcast for his skills and ability to hack into government database. He was given access to Bumblebee's inter data and a gun that had a grappling hook, lasers, missiles, anything he might need in combat. The Outcasts are led by Bumblebee, and so far, the members of The Outcasts are, Bumblebee, Jack, Miko, Raphael, and Rina.

Jack's mother had left him when he was five years old and was left with his father. Jack's father was always pushing Jack, he wanted his son to be an unstoppable soldier. When he was nine his father had him fight against one of his men. He survived of course because Jack's father did not want him dead, but Jack now had a scar above (or across) his left eye. At some point Jack just could not take it anymore, he stabbed his father with a kitchen knife and then he ran away, not checking if his father was either dead or alive. All he wanted was to escape from his father's shadow and find someone who did not expect so much of him. That was when Bumblebee found him, and unlike his father, Bumblebee did not push him, he didn't expect anything out of him, Bumblebee was even kinder, gentler and more patient, than Jack's father. Bumblebee also taught Jack how to fight, where to strike on an autobot or a decepticon, even how to read Cybertronen words, and so much more. Bumblebee gave Jack his own personal knives and bombs. Bumblebee became like a second father to Jack, a BETTER father.

Miko was found wondering the streets of Seattle, she said that she had lost her older sister due to an illness that didn't have a cure. They had moved from Japan to America. She had told Bee that she wasn't given any type of therapy for the loss of her sister. She said that because of this, she couldn't think straight, she died her hair bright red and wounded up murdering her inter family by place gasoline all over her house and lit it with a match! Bumblebee had asked her why didn't her parents give her therapy for her? Her answer was, "I don't know, they had the money." As Miko's story went on Bumblebee felt more sorry for her, that she no place to go, no loving family, no friends or anything for that matter. Miko said that she was alone and that she had stolen a car that had belonged to her mother and father. "You know, we could be your new family," Bumblebee had once said to Miko, "if you want." Miko had taken Bumblebee's offer and became an Outcast, and Bumblebee had found a way to give Miko therapy. That way she could deal with her stress and pain. When they discovered a relic that was armor that could turned Miko the size a cybertronien! Now Miko can fight alongside

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