Warriors Cats

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Chapter 1

A black and dark gray bellied kittypet with a lime green colored collar trudges through the pouring rain and cold winds. She was carrying three dead mice to an old wooden pile. "Dustfire," she called, "I'm back!"

"Shhh, the kits are sleeping," a dust cream with a white belly tom whispered.

"Oh, sorry," the she-cat said in a quite tone.

"It's okay." Dustfire smiled.

"Mama?" the dark and white male kit cried. The mother put down the mice and curled around her surviving kits. She had once had seven kits, but sadly a harsh cold leafbare night had took four of the young cats. She and her mate now only have two sons and one daughter. The rain poured harder and harder.

"Seems like I beat the rain from really raining on me," the black and dark gray she cat said hysterically. The two mates looked out the entrance when they heard a loud BOOM!

"Mama? Papa? The she kit cried, "What's that awful noised?" she asked.

"Thunder my daughter," the father answered. A flash of lightning blinded the mates.

"That was close," she said right before a bolt of thunder set their den on fire.

"EVERYBODY OUT!" Dustfire yelled and grabbed his two sons while his mate grabbed their daughter. They ran and ran as fast they could through the thundering dark sky.

"What's going on?" one of the son mewed, "why am I wet?" the father did not answer so he won't drop one of his son. They ran into a twoleg home that had a cat flap on its door. Making their way to a soft bright red bed that was in front of a warm fire.

"JUNE!" Dustfire yelled at the top of his lungs, after setting his sons down on the bed. No answer.

"She's at the vet," the parents looked up at the cat tower and saw a dark brown tom with one of his front leg missing.

"Who are you? June's mate?"

"Dustfire!" Echo _____________.

"It's fine," the three-legged tom said as he hopped off onto the couch, "I've only been here for a few weeks."

"Mew! Mew!" the kits cried.

"Shh, it's okay, we're here," just then the front door opened and closed.

"Jasper, we're home," a twoleg called out. An all-white she-cat with light blue eyes, and a pink collar walked in the room.

"Echo!" the white she cat exclaimed.

"June!" the sisters ran towards each other at full pace. "You never took off your collar? And are those your kits?"

"They-," Echo's kits mewed louder because they were hungry. She laid herself out on the bed so her kits could get the milk in her __________. Thunder crackled outside the window, "Can we talk later?" Echo asked, "We've had a rough night."

"Of course," June walked to the couch and curled up and went to sleep.

Dustfire warped himself around his mate and rested his head on Echo's and whispered, "I'll go check our home when the storm stops." Then their closed their eyes and went to sleep.

Chapter 2

After the storm had ended, Dustfire made his way to their den, to see if it was still salvageable. It was not. It had burned to the ground, "Why Starclan?" he flew his head up into the sky and yelled in rage, "WHY HAVE YOU TAKEN EVERYTHING FROM ME?!" He demanded; tears ran down his face. On his way back to the twoleg's nest he heard a kit crying. He walk to the sound and saw a white male kit with black toes, black ears, black tail, black back stripe and black under and upper eye markings. And it was crying.

"Mother! Father!" Dustfire's heart acced for the kit, but then he saw a fox coming behind the kit. Without hesitation, Dustfire bolted at the fox, knocking it to its side. The kit turned to the thudding sound. Dustfire battled the beast ferociously, he told the kit the run for his life while he would fight the fox. The kit did not move. Not wanting to loss this fight, Dustfire ripped the fox's throat open and grabbed the kit and ran as fast as he could away from the horrid beast. (that was dead by the way)

He slowed down after the fence was in view, he put the young tom down and asked, "Are you alright?"

The kit answered, "N-no."

Dustfire examined the kit and saw that he needed milk. Picking him back up Dustfire climbed the wall, through the cat door, and walked way his mate who was chatting with her sister. "Whoa, what happened to you?!" Jasper exclaimed.

"Fox," Dustfire replied while walking towards Echo, he place the white and black kit, but mostly white kit on Echo's side. "Echo, this kit needs some milk, think you can spare some?" Dustfire asked.

"Of course," she smiled at the scared kit, "Come here young kit, there's no reason to be afraid." The kit slowly crawled to where he could get some milk. Dustfire, seeing that the kit that he had found nursing, told Echo that their den was no longer suitable for a home. The young twoleg girl and boy came over to see the kits.

"Aww, they're so cute," then she spotted the new one, "Wait, weren't there three kittens?"

"Yep." The boy replied. The girl reached to touch the kits but was intervene by Dustfire. He hissed harshly, causing the twoleg girl to flinch away.

"Echo's mate must be a stray, he's so violent!" the girl commented.

"Maybe he doesn't want you near his kids," the twoleg mother came in the room and told her children that it takes a while for strays to know that there's reason to fear them. But Dustfire and Echo would not be staying. They loved the forest and only came to June's house because they could not stay in the storm with kits that were only a moon old. That night, Dustfire was visited Starclan.


"Hello Dustfire," Lilydrop came closer to Dustfire and told him how proud she was of him moving on and finding a new mate. Her smile turned to a frowned, "But that's not why you're here."

"Okay, why am I here?" Dustfire's reaction was indescribable.

"Our clan needs you, Echo, your kits. And Bluepaw needs a different mentor."

"No!" Dustfire yelled, "I'm never going back! They would hate me if they knew I had a former kittypet as a mate."

"No, they won't."

"Yes, they will!" the two cats argued until Dustfire was threatened that Starclan would punish him by taking the rest of his kits' life. "Fine, but I'm not doing this for our clan, or for Starclan," he turned around and walked away, "I'm doing it, so Echo and I don't have to go through another lost!" That morning Dustfire told them where they would be going, and that if they didn't, they loss the rest of their kits. Echo said sadly that she will take off her caller so none of his clanmates won't think she a kittypet.

"That about the one you just brought?" Jasper pointed out, "June doesn't have milk to spare, and-."

"We'll take him with us," Echo interrupted. As the twolegs left the house Dustfire and Echo prepared to leave.

Echo ripped off her lime green caller and said her goodbyes, but just as Dustfire and Echo were climbing the fence June called out, "If I have any kits, I'll bring them to you!" this surprised them, "When they are strong enough of course."

Echo nodded and she and her mate made their way through the thicket. As they made their way, their kits' eyes began to open. They went through Thunderclan territory to the border of Riverclan (which is a river). As they were about to hop on the first rock a dark blue fur young tom spotted them.

Chapter 3

The blue tom hoped from rock to rock until he was on the rock the Echo and Dustfire were about to jump on. "Who are you?!" he demanded. Dustfire place the two kits he was carrying and told the apprentice of who they were and that he was once part of the clan.

"And its Bluepaw?" Dustfire guest correctly.


"Your fur is a dead giveaway."

"Oh." Bluepaw pick up the black she-kit that had a white chest diamond. "Follow me," and they did.

"Is that Dustfire?"

"Someone get Owlstar's!" 

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