Transformers RID

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Chapter 1


On the bridge of Crown City, a decepticon and an autobot were hired to capture a human and a bot. "So," the autobot began, "we find this scrapyard and capture a human and a bot? Sounds easy enough."

"The bot is Bumblebee," the decepticon informed his partner.

"Wait ...," the autobot looked like he was trying to figure out what the answer to a hard question was. "Bumblebee? Like, the Bumblebee? The one who fought by Optimus's side?"

The decepticon sighed, "Yes, Acidfire, it's THAT Bumblebee."

"Awesome!" Acidfire pumped his left fist into the air with excitement.

"Acidfire, you understand that we are hired to capture him and his human, not get his autograph?" the decepticon said, one eyebrow raised.

"Can't you let me enjoy the fact that we get see the Bumblebee?" Acidfire questioned.

"No," the decepticon said firmly.

"Aww," Acidfire looked in his bag and then said, "You got the tracker, right?"

"Yes, I have the tracker," the decepticon turned, facing the woods, and pulled out the device, studying it for a moment. "Seems like they're this way." The decepticon changed to vehicle mode and drove off, the autobot following. Coming upon Denny Clay's scrapyard, they both turned back to bot mode.

"Alright, Dark Knight," Acidfire was a cybertronian foot length from the gate, "what's our strategy?"

"Well," he began, "judging by what he has given us to use for this, I say we cut the power and jam their communications, then strike Bumblebee when he's alone. Or when we've taken out most of his team," Dark Knight told his partner.

"What about the human?" Acidfire questioned, "Bumblebee is most likely to have at least one of his teammates close by him."

"True," Dark Knight reached into Acidfire's bag and pulled out a cybertronian sized dart gun. "That must be why he gave us these guns and sleeping darts."

"Do you even know how many bots are on his team?" Acidfire asked uncertainly.

"No, but you do, which is probably another reason why he hired us," Dark Knight pointed out. "Look, let's just get this over with so we can get paid."

"Yeah, wonder why he is paying us so much," Acidfire remarked absentmindedly.

"Focus," Dark Knight retorted sharply. Acidfire slid his bag off his shoulder and placed it down on the ground. Both reached into its folds, taking out several circular objects. "He must have given us enough to cut all their power. So, take half, you do that side and I'll do this side." They got to work.

Meanwhile, in the scrapyard, the Bee Team was watching an Earth movie. "How come those human have powers?" a mostly black mini-con questioned, as he watched the movie.

"They don't have powers, Jetstorm. It's special effects and C.G.I. though it would be cool if they did," the human, wearing a cotton jacket with faint blue stripes from shoulders to the wrists, told the mini con. They had no idea that sabotage mechanisms were being planted around the scrapyard at that moment. Just as the movie was getting to the best part, the power went out.

"Hey! What happens next?!" a green and black dinobot demanded.

"Power's out, Grim. We won't know until we fix it," Denny told him, "There's a generator on the west side of the scrapyard."

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