Transformers Mech

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Chapter 1

New Mech

It was a normal day in the scrapyard. Or ... as normal as it would get. The bots had just came back from a mission in Great Britain and caught four decepticon prisoners that represent earth owls. Denny and Russell had come back from getting supplies, and Fixit was at the commanded center. "Anything new?" Bumblebee asked Fixit.

"No sir, no new decepticon singles," he told him.

"Huh, seems like-" The alarms went off. "Fixit?"

"I'm getting a massive energy reading. And it's coming into Earth's atmosphere flats, trash," He hit himself to say the right word. "FAST!"

"Where is its crashing point?" Drift asked.

"Oh no."

"What? What is it?!" Grimlock asked.

"Its crashing point ... is the scrapyard!" Fixit told them.

And as if things weren't bad enough, Earth's military came to the scrapyard. "You two," the commanding officer called out to Denny and Russell, "get away from those robots."

"They're not a threat!" Russell called out.

"Lutedinent," Fixit called out, "we must evactyouate the scrapyard before that massive energy hits us."

"I know Fixit, but we can't do anything unless we convines these soldiers that we mean them no harm."

"Heh, if you mean us no harm, then you will hand over your weapons and suren-"

"In coming!" Grimlock bellowed.

"Protect the- wait," Bumblebee squinted his optics at the glowing fire ball. "No way."

"Sir? What is it?" Strongarm _______

"You all might want to brace yourselves." He told them with a smile. the glowing object all of sudden stopped ten cybertronian feet above them. It slowly floated down to the ground.

"What the heck?" Denny, including everyone else, expect Bumblebee, were in shock of what they were seeing.

"Hey bots, do you know who or what this is?" Denny asked.

"I have never seen this kind of cybertronian," Drift told him.

"I have." They all looked at Bumblebee. "And he's not cybertronian. He's a Mech. And there's only one explanation why he's here."

"What's that?" Windblade asked. The Mech started to walk forward towards them.

"He's here for his pilot." Bumblebee told him.

"Pilot?" the commanding officer echoed. "What do you mean-?" The Mech came closer to Denny and Russell. It bent down to one knee and tilted it's head.

"Umm hi," Russell waved his hand a little at the Mech. The Mech waved its' to Russell.

"Umm, Bee, how do we know which one he's going to pick?" Denny asked ____________.

"He'll tell you through some kind of cightic link."

"You sure seem really calm about all this," Sideswipe pointed out.

"Because I've seen it before."

"What? When? Where? Who was it?" Strongarm __________.

"During the war, and it was Raf, Jack, and Miko." Bumblebee told them. "Heh, none of us saw it coming. Or knew what was going to happen. All we knew was their Mechs chose them and no one else."

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