037. he said nothing happened

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march 12, 2023

"you're not staying at his place," daniel disagreed with his best friend after she had informed him on the conversation she had over text the dj she knew hardly anything about. "you shouldn't be doing anything with him."

"it's not your decision?!" she furrowed, slightly raising her voice.

"i just don't think you should be seeing him after not knowing what he done to you last night.. that's all.."

"everything he said made sense," liberty argued. "me not wanting to go home to the girls, me.. me.. um.."

"so one thing makes sense?" he raised a brow as he turned around from the stovetop and looked at her. "him saying you didn't want to go home was more than likely just a coincidence-"

"can you stop putting into my head that he done something to me!" she interrupted him. "he literally couldn't have done anything he was working!"

"libby, i'm not trying to.." he softened his tone. "i'm just saying you barely know him so you can't really trust him.. he knows you don't remember what happened, so he has the opportunity to say anything and you've just got to believe it cause you don't know if it's true or not.."

"are you jealous that i like him?" she muttered.

"no, i have violet," he quickly replied.

"well then stop trying to get in the way of me having a relationship," she folded her arms, watching him as he subtly held his hands in the air and turned back around to cooking their dinner without a reply. "he said nothing happened. so nothing happened."

".. can you decide on when you'll meet violet, please?" daniel switched the topic. "i told her i'd work it out over this weekend."

"well not tomorrow."

"okay, i know that," he sighed at her stubbornness. "what day works best for you?"

"what are we doing?"

"i don't know, we can go out for dinner or something," he suggested. "will that be okay with you?"

"are you paying for it?"

"yes i can pay for it," he nodded as he looked back over his shoulder at her. "so pick a day."

"tuesday i guess."

"do you not want to meet her?"

"i didn't say that."

"then what's with the attitude, lil?" he asked. "you were so happy to set me up with her. now what? you don't want me with her? what's the go, do you want me to break up with her-"

"no!" she quickly exclaimed. "she already thinks i'm the reason you don't get into relationships."

"you are the reason i don't get into relationships!" is what he wished he could say in response but instead he took a deep breath and just softly nodded in agreement.

"it's not true, so don't make her think it is."

"yeah, okay," he continued to nod, seeing her bring her attention all to her phone before he turned back to the cooking once again, a quiet inaudible sigh falling from his lips.

"i'm gonna call the bar," she blurted out as she hopped off the counter top.

"why?" he caused her to stop and look back at him. "i thought you were convinced he didn't do anything?"

"i am but i wanna know how much alcohol they put in their drinks or something because my bank statement seems like i only got what i remember ordering so i wanna know how i got so drunk," she rambled with a small shrug then continuing to walk off.


wandering over to the living room, liberty fell back on the couch, laying down and getting herself comfortable as she searched for the number for the club she had gone to the night prior. soon bringing her phone to her ear.

"hey," she responded to the lady on the other end. "um i spent last night there and i must've got really drunk but the amount i spent doesn't seem to add up so i'm just wondering if there's maybe a tab or something i didn't close out?"

"what name would it be under?"

"uh liberty."

"mh.. nope, no liberty," she replied. "maybe someone you were with paid for your drinks?"

"no, i was alone," she explained. "were you on last night at all?"

"sorry, no, i wasn't. would you like me to pass you onto someone who was? i can't guarantee they'll remember you but im sure they'll try their best to answer any questions you may have."

"i would like that, yes please, thank you."

"okay, give me a minute."


"yo what's up?" a male worker took over the call.

"hey um i was there last night and the guy dj-ing let me get some drinks on his tab.. do you by any chance know how many drinks i had?"

"i could not tell you that, aj's always buying drinks for random girls."

"oh okay.." she followed with a small hum.

"is there anything else i could help you with?"

"yeah, i went home with him, was i like very drunk at the end of the night?"

"uh.. he didn't leave with anyone at the end of the night," he replied. "he did leave with a girl for like an hour around 11-ish so must've just been taking care of you before anyone else could take advantage. aj's a sick dude, like in a good way, he would never do anything."

"okay.. thank you," she instantly pulled her phone away from her ear and hung up the call.

staying laid there for a second as she took a deep breath to content herself a little before getting up and walking back over to the kitchen. grabbing an alcoholic drink can out of the fridge, opening it and drinking it without hesitation.

"you okay?" daniel watched her.


"everything good with the club?"


"dinner's almost ready if you wanna get out places?" he more so suggested.


"or you can do sit down if you want, i can do it.."

"no i can do it."

needed some time to work out
the flow but we got an update
hopefully not this long till the
next lol

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