Snowy day together

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- You'd probably spent most of the day in bed, cuddled up
- If you try to get out of bed he won't let you since he just wants to hold you and stay warm in bed
- If you do get out of bed you'd both go outside and play around in the snow
- He'd be laughing at you the whole time
- When you get back inside he'd wrap you both up in a big blanket so you can stay warm together
- And of course there's hot chocolate while sitting close to him

Lee Know
- You'd be bugging him since you're so bored
- He'd cook for you so that you're fed
- You would go outside and he'd have no idea where you went
- He find you outside playing in the snow like a child
- You'd force him to make snow angels with you
- And there's definitely a snowball fight
- He'd watch you struggle to make a snowman
- He'll eventually help you after laughing for so long

- Movie marathon!!
- Cuddles, fuzzy blankets, warm drinks you name it
- While watching movies he's holding onto you tight
- And you're not sure if it's because he just wants to hold you or if he's cold
- When you go outside you'd make snow angels together
- You'd try to make a mini snowman but fail since the both of you are goofing around too much

- This just gives him the chance to paint more beautiful things
- He'll take a picture of you outside in the snow and paint you while you watch him
- You'd both also make DIY snow globes
- When you go outside in the snow you're both so bundled up and have a hard time walking in the snow
- You'd both probably crash into each other and fall back into the snow
- Then make snow angels while laughing

- The first thing you are doing is going outside in the snow
- You'd do everything everyone does in the snow
- He'd throw a snowball at you then you'd chase him throwing snow at him
- You both go sledding too
- Back inside you'd both try to keep yourselves warm
- Naps will probably happen too

- If you aren't cuddling in bed then you're probably baking cute winter treats
- You'd both probably also make a lot of hot chocolate
- Movies or dramas will be watched
- When you go outside you'd make snow angels and snowmen
- He finds you cute while you try running in the snow even though it's very deep
- You'd catch snowflakes too
- But when you want to show him them they've melted

- The last thing he wants is for you to be whining that you're bored
- It's like he's always prepared for snowy days
- You'd play games snd sometimes he'd let you win
- You'd even have a indoor camp out which was your idea first and he just went along with it
- Outside he'd watch you from afar
- Then you'd drag him to play with you
- Make a mini snow-fort
- Back inside he'd wrap you up in blankets and keep you warm

- Games games games!!
- That's probably what you'd do for most the day
- Then watch lots of movies with hot chocolate and delicious snacks
- You'd have so much fun outside in the snow
- You're both like little kids
- He'd give you his scarf since you're still so cold
- When you're back inside you both got straight into bed and under the covers
- You'll cuddle him and keep putting your cold hands on him which makes you laugh

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