Seeing you faint at a concert

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- He started to notice that you don't look too good
- He lets security know ahead of time to also watch after you
- When you faint security rushes to you
- Chan then jumps down from the stage with water in his hand
- He helps security with you
- Once you're awake he gives you the water and keeps you close to him
- He won't go back on stage until he knows you're really okay
- He's definitely worried about you for the rest of the night
- "Baby, baby, can you hear me? I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. Open your eyes for me."

Lee Know
- He was also watching you the whole concert because he wanted to tease you
- When he sees you call security over he gets a little worried
- But he can't do anything since they are dancing
- He keeps looking over at you
- He took his eye off you for a minute and sees you collapsed on the floor with security by you
- He goes over to the edge of the stage since security won't let him down by you
- He stays there until you're awake
- "What happened? Why is she unconscious?! Let me see her damnit!"

- It happened mid performance
- He wasn't paying attention
- Their performance got stopped because it was a really serious situation
- He feels bad for not noticing sooner
- The other members help him too with you
- He'll make security get you out of there so you don't faint again
- He'll tell them to take you backstage
- He's so worried about you
- "What happened? Why is she on the floor? Stop the concert, she needs to be taken care of."

- Sees you collapse right away
- Jumps down to you
- He was quicker than security
- Holds you, trying to wake you up
- He's so scared
- Gives you all the water they have
- When you wake up he won't leave until you look better
- If you have to leave he'll go with you backstage
- Is constantly now concerned about you
- "Y/n, wake up!! Please! Open your eyes for me Princess."

- Worry falls onto his face
- Runs over to you
- Puts your head in his lap as he calls for security to help
- Covers you with a jacket or blanket
- Trying his best to wake you up
- He's in tears at this point
- When you do wake, he doesn't want to leave your side
- Security tells him they'll look after you
- But he doesn't trust them
- He'll have their manager take you away to rest
- "Y/n!! Someone help me!!"

- He knew you were sick before the concert and told you not to come
- But you still did
- When he sees you in the crowd he's so worried
- When you collapse he's calling everyone possible over to help
- Holds you
- When you wake he scolds you
- Gives you water and makes security take you backstage
- After the concert he takes you home right away
- "I told you not to come. I was so worried about you.."

- He doesn't know what happened
- He saw security run over but didn't know it was you
- When he notices it's you he runs over to you
- He tells everyone to back up so you have space
- When you're conscious he takes you out the crowd
- Gives you a lot of water and his jacket to put on
- He watches you for the rest of the concert
- "What happened? Did they do something to you? Tell me."

- As soon as you hit the floor he get so scared
- Panics since he doesn't know what to do
- Tells his members and they get security to help you
- He watches them and feels horrible for not helping you
- So relieved when you wake
- Still feels horrible though :(
- You have to reassure him you're okay and that everything is fine
- "What do I do? Will she be okay? Help her, please."

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