Comforting you after a breakup (them as your best friend)

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- He's already at your house since you immediately called him
- He hugs you so much as you cry
- He'll listen to you when you talk
- Like he'll listen so much
- Gets you your favorite foods
- He's just by your side the whole time
- Buys you things to try to make you feel better
- "He didn't deserve you, anyway. You deserve better than him."

Lee Know
- Oh now he's angry
- Wants to murder your ex but controls himself since he knows he needs to be there for you
- Cooks food for you
- Might bring his cats over too for extra comfort
- He offers to kill your ex for you
- He's just there for you the whole time
- Shockingly enough he'll hug you if you ask
- "Can I kill him for you? It'll make us both feel better."

- He come to your house with open arms
- Hugs so much hugs
- He'll cover you in blankets while you watch movies
- When you start crying again he'll turn the movie off
- Finds ways to make you crack a smile or laugh
- Gets you ice cream!!
- So sad seeing you like this :(
- "What can I do? I'll do anything so you'll feel better."

- He's staying the night
- Brings all your favorite snacks and ice cream
- You'll end up binge watching drama with him
- When you cry during the show he might start crying too
- He'll end of doing something that makes you laugh
- The next day he'll take you out so he can show you how your ex should've treated you
- "Can I admit something? I never even liked him in the first place."

- When you cry, he cries
- Offers support
- Ice cream so much ice cream
- When you say you wanna dye your hair he full on supports it
- He'll help you too
- Pampers you too
- Makes jokes
- Just doesn't want you crying anymore
- "Dye your hair? Do it! I wanna see this new you."

- Brings over baked goods
- Hugs hugs!!
- Anything you want/need he'll get it for you
- Validates your feelings
- Listens to you when you talk
- Reminds you of your worth
- Gets rid of anything that reminds you of your ex that's in your house
- Takes you shopping too
- "It'll get better eventually. I promise. I'll be here for you whenever you need me."

- He had already talked with your ex
- Offers everything he can for you to feel better
- When you want to return your ex's stuff he doesn't let you
- He'll throw their stuff away
- Offers for you to vent
- Puts a hand on your back when you cry
- Makes you realize you are loved and that you don't need your ex
- "Trust me, trust the process. It's going to get better."

- Hates seeing you crying
- Gets you sweets, snacks, blankets, and movies to watch
- Stays with you the whole time
- When you hug him, he'll hug you back
- Tells you reassuring words
- Takes you shopping
- Helps you stay busy so your ex isn't on your mind
- "Give yourself some time. In the end, you'll find someone better and who's perfect for you."

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