Chapter 46 : Father and Daughter

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'A WOMAN. .' Freya shook the idea off, she thought that Felix is only trying to provoke her. She rolled her eyes. "It does not concern me anymore, it's been 2 years our marriage should no longer be valid as I am incompetent as a wife."

Raising a brow, he looks at her intently. "He hasn't, yet. The Empress Dowager has been silent also."

"Can we stop talking about this? Pierre might wake up." Freya said finally putting an end to their discussion.

It's not

"Alright. A lot has happened when you were gone that didn't reach the East so I hope you come up to me for information."

"I'll find that out myself, once we arrive."

Instead of the main gate, they went through the side gate so that little number of servants knew about their arrival. Little Pierre excitedly looks at the window pointing various things that catch his eyes.

Eyes went to examine the child, noticing how he was very much alike as the newly crowned Emperor once they got out of the carriage.

His shimmering golden hair, matched with his deep ocean eyes and chubby cheeks. Who wouldn't fall In love with such an adorable mini figure of the Emperor?

"Welcome home, Your Highness." The butler along with 5 servants greeted them both. "I am glad to see you, Princess." The butler uttered.

Freya felt warm, she smiled at him. "I am glad to see you too."

"This way, please." He said, showing the way to the front door of the Manor. Little Pierre then extended his hand to hold the Butler's hand. "I have heard a lot about you, little king."

'What the hell?! Felix is definitely a virus.' "That is a bit much,"

"Oh it isn't, Princess. He is the star of the Empire, I may say." He stated, that made Freya close her eyes and take a deep breath.

"Why don't we just head inside and meet Father first?" Felix suggested they do to which Freya agreed as she holds Pierre in the hand as they walk side by side.

Once they got in the Manor, the Duke still had its stern face as he waited for them to walk closer to him. It was the first time that the Duke saw his grandson.

"Welcome Home, Freya." He said in a cold tone with his arms extended, Freya caught up on what he was trying to convey and so the two of them hugged.

But it was not just a tight hug, it was as if the Duke was trying to squeeze Freya out of breath. "F-father, I can't breathe."

After embracing his daughter only a slight tear was seen from the corner of his eyes, still he has this cold expression on his face.  'He didn't change.'

Behind Freya is Little Pierre, all shy clutching unto her dress. "Father this is Pierre, your Grandson."

His Grace knelt down, locking eyes with Pierre. Then, Pierre extended his small hand towards the Duke's, causing him to sway and embrace Pierre, sparking concern in Freya.

"Father, please don't hug him too tight." But the Duke seemed to can't hear anything and continued to hug his grandson. "I thought you would never come."

Freya smiled awkwardly. "Of course we would, Father."

Following the extended embrace, The Duke released his grandson and proceeded to hold him as they walked. "Let's head to my office; there's much to talk about," His Grace stated, causing her to worry that she might be facing trouble.

THE father and daughter went to the Duke's office, she couldn't help but get anxious. After she left, she didn't get the chance to talk to the duke himself until now.

Just the two of them present, Pierre, Felix and the servants went away somewhere within the Manor. "Sit, Freya."

"What is it that you want to talk about Father. ." She asked, nervously.

The Duke sat across Freya that made her feel even more anxious than she was before. "Is it now proper for a Father to get an explanation directly from his daughter? But if you are the wife of the Emperor, you'll be crowned Empress soon."

"I, I don't know about that Father." She uttered, lowering he head. "In any case, I would like to divorce the Emperor."

The Duke was speechless, unable to comprehend what his very own daughter had just said.


Is she out of her mind?

He breathed heavily. "You shouldn't do that; it's inappropriate. Why would you even want to? You've been behaving recklessly these past few years, Freya. I can't keep turning a blind eye to it indefinitely."

"You don't need to—"

"I do. I'm your father and the Duke of the North," he asserted firmly, leaving Freya speechless.

She thought of it for a while, Was I being too reckless?? I guess I am still. "I'm sorry Father. I, I'm just confused.

"Then, when will you announce your return and claim the crown?" She blinked a few times, she's misunderstood.

"I am not planning about that Father, I am serious of not wanting the Empress title." She stated once more, clearing it out for his Grace who seemed to have lost his sanity.

He reclined on the horseback sofa, massaging his temples. "Again, you are not stepping down from the crown Freya. It's dangerous, especially that His Majesty acted like a madman just to find you."

Zavier, a mad man?

"I heard from Felix that he has a lady beside him at the moment, that should make it easy for me."

Raising a brow, the Duke replied. "What is even inside of that head of yours, when he sees Pierre without a doubt he'll take him in as his successor."

"Not if he does not see him." The Duke narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I will keep Pierre hidden from him. You are right, without a doubt he'll take Pierre away from me but now if he does not get even a glimpse of him. Am I right?"


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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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