As She's Walking Away

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"Perrie Louise Edwards," "Yes?" I hear a voice answer. "When is your boyfriend and his bandmates coming?" "Soon."

"Someone's eager to meet them." Leigh-Anne teases. "No. I'm anxious. I want to meet the guy who has stolen my girlfriends heart away from me." I dramatically explain. "Perrie! Get down here! Your girlfriend's upset about you and Zayn." My heart stopped and I couldn't breathe. Jesy notices and says, "Breathe, Raz. We were only joking about Perrie and yourself, your bond. Breathe." "Za-Zayn Malik?" I choke out, barely audible. "Yeah, him. Why? Do you know him?"

I heard a faint knock at the door and literally tucked and rolled away. I watch as Perrie's heels click away against the tiled flooring. "ZAYNIE!" I hear Perrie yell excitedly. "Hello, love." "Hey Perrie." four other all too familiar voices ring out. "Hello boys. The other girls are in the living area." "Okay." I hear the shoes hit the tile as they ambled my direction towards the girls. "Hi boys." They each greeted each other and then I hear Perrie ask, "Where's my girlfriend?"

I prayed the girls wouldn't give me away, but they had to since my girlfriend was asking for me. But me being smart, I crawled behind the bar, so when they pulled up the tablecloth, i was gone. "Okay, we swear she was just under there." "She was Leigh-Anne. She tucked and rolled under there after she heard the words Zayn Malik." "She was acting weird when she heard Zayn, she kinda stopped breathing and her heartbeat slowed. When she went to talk, you could barely hear her. Hell, I couldn't hear her and she was right next to me." Jesy added.

"Come on. I need you to meet my boyfriend, girlfriend." Perrie whined. "You're cheating on me! With a girl!" he mocked in a playful tone. "Well, Zayn, I meant to tell you this, but I think I'm bi." "Now you tell m!" They usually joked like this and everyone knew Perrie and I were BOTH straight. "You two lovebirds, stop tweeting and help us find Razlene." I watched all of the boys scurrying feet stop dead.

"Did you just say Razlene?" "Yes-" "As in Razlene Alysse Brooks?" "Yes. Why, Niall?" Everyone stood in awkward silence. I couldn't make this any better, so I jumped out from behind the bar and shouted, "SURPRISE!" right behind Jesy and Jade, causing them to scream in surprise. "You Scared th Hell-" "Living daylights." I demanded. "You and your innocence." "Say it." Fine. You scared the living daylights out of us. We thought you were under the table." "I was. But then I was one-step ahead of you and crawled behind the bar." "Wow. See we were close."Leigh-Anne says. "Guys! How do you all know each other?"

"I'd rather not..." I drift off as I turn to go up the stairs. "No. No one is leaving this room until your girlfriend gets a TRUE explanation." "Perrie-" "Please, Raz." "I can't. I have a good idea. Ask your boyfriend and his band-mates. They all know. Especially one of them." I turn the situation on them. "Raz, you're not leaving." "Yeah, well I can't stay here with them." "Raz," Jesy must've seen the pain in my eyes along other the other girls, because they stopped begging. "Raz, please. We didn't-" "Save it for someone who actually cares." I say voice-breaking, tears breaking the shield I had been trying to keep up for a while.

"Raz, give us a chance." "Don't call me that. And you had your chances, a lot of them. Up until six months ago when I finally got somewhat over the depression stage." "What do you mean by 'depression stage'?" "That's none of your business." I reply coldly. "You didn't, did you?" "What does it matter to you?" I ask harshly, refusing to face them. "Everything. We care about you." "Really? It didn't seem like it, since you all upped and left." "Raz-" "Don't touch me." I say, shrugging the hand off my shoulder. "Please let us-"

Harry's POV:

She raced off. We couldn't believe it as we hadn't seen her in forever. I look to Liam to see his reaction and he was completely shocked. "Explain. Now. I don't care who, just explain, NOW." Perrie sternly said. "You might need to sit." I say, being the only one able to speak after the surprise encounter. All the girls do as suggested and look at us when they're settled.

I inhale and exhale deeply and begin, "Well, L-" "I got explaining the beginning." Liam says. "So, Razlene and I, were frriends since birth. She encouraged me to try for the X Factor even though I hadn't gotten in the first time. We were inseparable. You never saw one without the other. Anyways, I tried the second time and made it in. As soon as we were announced to be in a group, she immediately accepted everyone into our inseparability."

He was stating to break down so I took over. "We became inseparable. Over time on tour, it deterioted and it became us five without the one. We made the mistake of acting as if she had never existed in our lives. We were being stupid and weren't thinking. Everytime media brought attention to her. We'd always say she meant nothing to us and was no one yet another of our stylists. We basically abandoned her and felt terrible but we weren't having her receive death threats that would completely destroy her altogether."

"So you drop her?!?" "Yes, but someone in this group has feelings for her." "I used to." Liam says. " Now?" "I don't, but you never know." When the girls weren't paying attention I gave him a look like ,'Really?' "Liam, you can't always keep your feelings locked up." Lou whispered. "Highfive boobear!" Lou reached over Liam and high fived me.

"Instead of highfiving each other, You should come with us to go find our lost friend." "She's our friend too. She may hate us but we love her still and are not going down without a fight." "That's the louis I know. By the way where is Eleanor?" "And Danielle?" "I'm not dating her anymore and Liam broke up with Danielle for certain reasons." Louis gulped. "Why?" "Can we please avoid that subject and leave it at that?" "Sure?" Perrie questioningly stated. "Let's get going."

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