Not Over

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             "Raz, you still could've told me. I am sorry that I never asked you. I should've been more considerate." "It's ok-" "No it isn't. While I was out there, on stage living my best dreams, you were at home, tied to something, living your worst nightmares. I'm so sorry." I turned to her to find she was peering at me. "This is why I didn't want to interrupt you. You are so happy now." "Yes, but you are so miserable now." "Liam, I think I'll get through it if you and the boys can help me. If you try to help repair me." "I promise to try as hard as I can. You mean a lot to me. More than you'll ever know."

            "Same here, Payne." "Razz, can you-" I shifted uncomfortably in my seat," not call me that, please?" "Sure, Liam." She stood up and I did the same. She stepped forward and I couldn't help, but wrap my arms around her. She attempted to wrap her small arms around and almost did, but she missed by an inch or two. "You've grown," she points out as we pull away. "I'm only 5'10." "Yeah, I'm only 5'4." "Are you serious?" "Yes. I know, I'm short." "No, I'm just surprised." "Why?"

             "Does that mean you guys made up?" I look at the boys and look back to Razlene, who was still wrapped in my arms. "Yes, this means we did." She answered, looking straight at me,"Yay! Our Razzy Daz is back!" Lou yells. "You're so going to regret this." I whisper in her ear. "Better to try it, then just give up. Liam, Can you bend down a little?" "Sure." I bend down and she kisses my check lightly. "Thanks for being there and lifting my spirits and attempting to save me." She whispers in my ear, as she pulls away completely.

                "Are you going to eat?" They all asked hopeful. "Only if you all and Liam would accompany me in such a great night." She pleads, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Of course we will." We all chirped, happy for the food and thankful Razlene wanted to eat. Before Razlene entered the dining room, I had to ask her something. Right before she walked in, I pulled her aside. "Raz." "Yeah, Liam?" She asked in reply, slightly retreating away from my touch. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. She fell into my chest, a small gasp falling from her mouth.

               "Razz, why would you starve-" "Liam, I don't want to talk about this right now." "I need to know." "You want to know." "Please just answer." " I think you already know the answer to this question, Liam." "Your dad made you do that?" "Liam, it is-" "It is EVERYTHING! He can't do that. It is complete neglection, not to mention, child abuse." "Liam, please. I got over that part of my life and I don't and won't go back to it." she pleaded, her eyes collecting small glints of sadness as her mind replayed the nightmares repeatedly. I grabbed her and pulled her to me. She instantly snapped out of it and smiled at me. "Thanks."

               She walked into the living room and turned on the radio. Suddenly the radio was singing Avril Lavigne's, "Here's to Never Growing Up." She began to dance crazily and as she spins, she trips over her own feet and landed with a thud on her bum. "What happened?" Lou asks worriedly. She looks at the boys' faces and bursts into fits of laughter. "Are you okay?" "Well, thanks for the concern, but clumsy me, I fell over my own feet and went down, going boom boom."

                  "Oh gosh. Liam, you didn't catch her?" "I couldn't." "You totally could have." "No." She gets up and starts jumping around, a kangaroo taking over her. She belts out the lyrics and we look at each other. 'She has a gorgeous voice.' Lou mouths to us. We nod in response and then I see Harry recording everything. Even the next song which happens to be Demi Lovato's, "Heart Attack." She spins then lands on the couch lazily.

                  "You are a great singer." "Thanks." "You'd be fun to perform with. Of course we'd lose focus." "Oh, you haven't seen how I really dance,yet." She gets up, a smirk placed perfectly on her face. "What do you mean?" She races into the kitchen, spinning as she grabs a plate and places food on it. she grabs a fork and slides across the tiling, sitting in a seat she ran into.

                   "Razz." "Nothing. I just, I dance a lot better tan that, because it helps the pain disappear. That and I box as well as do Karate and Martial Arts." She gave a shy smile. "Razz, that's amazing!" Lou shrieks. She laughs and her cheeks turn red. She mumbled something incoherent. so I asked her to repeat it. "I also took up on reading and research." "Why are you em-" "It was on different people. I ended up getting you five and the wanted boys." "You talked to the Wanted boys?" "Yes, and they were nice lads, or I thought they were." "They aren't." "They were to me." "You are a girl." "Now, you are being ridiculous. Also a bit sexist." "No we aren't. We just know how they think. They are very conflicting with girls." "Aren't you that way with girls too, Harry?" She fires back with a strange passion.

                   He went red in the cheeks. "This isn't about what we do. It is about what The Wanted guys do." Zayn interrupts angrily. " It is basically the same thing. You both have one range of youngest, Harry and Nathan. You both have the flirts, the younger ones. You both have relationships within the band, Larry Stylinson and then Jay and Max's. You each have two couples, Louis and Eleanor; Zayn and Perrie; and then you have Siva and Nareesha; and Tom and Kelsey. You both have a lot of fans and you both have great songs. You both-." "Their songs are about sex." Zayn practically yells. "Oh and you don't? What about "Rock Me" and "Another World"? Aren't those songs about sex?" "That is different." "Really, how?" "We- and- ha." Zayn sputtered.

                   "Exactly." "All our songs aren't about sex." "Neither are theirs. They have for song s about sex. The others are of heartbreak or love." "More than that. Do you LISTEN to their lyrics?" "What are you implying?" "That you're deaf." She gasped, "You know, maybe I am. But answer this. What are you then?" She gets up and slams her chair into the table. " Night." She left, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

                                                                    Louis' P.O.V:

                   "Well, that was, um, I will be back. I am going to take her food upstairs, so she can eat." I dismiss myself quickly, glad to get out of the tense atmosphere that strangled me. I grab her plate and ascend the stairs.  When I get to her door, I knock and she doesn't answer. "Razz, it's Louis. I just brought your dinner upstairs for you to eat, if you still want to." I hear shuffling of feet and then a 'click' of the lock. The door silently opens, revealing tears rapidly falling down her face.

                  "You can come-" she shuts the door as I walk in. I set the plate on her bed then walk up to her. "Oh Razz." I whisper. I place my hand on her cheek and wipe the tears away with my thumb. "Thanks Lou." "Of course. Look Razz, Zayn isn't mad at you. It is just there's some beef within Zayn and Siva; Tom and I. We aren't mad at you. We're mad at them." She nods, understanding now and I smile. " You should eat. I can lea-" She fervently shakes her head and she sits on the bed, me mimicking her actions.

                 She sits Indian style, her plate in her left, the fork in her right. She begins to eat and I smile. Within five minutes, the food is gone and I chuckle. "Hungry much?" She shrugs, a giggle coming out of her mouth. "Was that a giggle I heard?" She shook her head and I smirk. I think that was." "Nope." "Really?" I straddled her legs and began to tickle her. She flailed about and she began yelping and giggling like crazy.

                "What is happen-?" The boys must've seen us because they joined in. "Stop!" She said between fits of laughter. We begin to calm down and I get off her legs. "Meanies!" She stuck her tongue out at us and we broke into laughter. "Did you eat?" "Thanks." She hugged Harry  around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her. "It was good." She mumbled into his shoulder. "Thanks and you're welcome. I will cook for you whenever." "Wanna make me a crepe?" Harry laughed and shook his head, and then nodded. "Sure."

                 Everyone files out of the room, but as I go to leave, Razlene grabs my hand with her own. "Lou, I don't want to go down yet." "If you're afraid, don't be." "No, I just, I want to get to know you again." "You practically know everything about-," "No, I know the media, famous One Direction, not five, everyday teenage boys." I smiled and realized how right she was. "Okay," I sigh happily, "Sit down."

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