Heart Attack (Part 2)

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                                                                 Razlene's P.O.V:

               So yesterday's sound-check was rather... fun and HILARIOUS! Tom managed to walk right off the stage and onto his bum, when he missed the last step; Louis attempted to do the shuffle, but ended up tripping over his shoelace; and all the boys had a mishap. I think I laughed the most when Harry and Louis were slow dancing with each other to Christina Perri's "Thousand Years" and everyone 'awwwed'. Their faces were PRICELESS. They looked as if they'd seen a ghost and their cheeks were flushed.

               Now we are on our way to the last sound-check before tonight's show and Leigh-Anne whispers in my ear, "Just tell him." "Who?" I ask, confused. "Liam. Tell him you like him." "But I don't. Not like that." "Sure." "Leigh-Anne, tell Jay you like him." "NO WAY!!!! He doesn't even like me back!" "Did you ask him." "No." She mumbles. "Do you want me to?" "Please?" Her eyes grow wide with hope as I text him, 'Hey, do you like Leigh-Anne?' I hear his phone go off from around the corner and she races away.

              "I got your text, " He comments as he comes around the corner. "Well?" "I'm not telling you." "James Kevin McGuiness, tell me now!" "No!" "I will tickle you." "No you won't." "Wanna bet?" "Sure." I race over to him and poke his sides. He laughs uncontrollably and sputters out, "Stop." "Tell me." "No!" I keep tickling him and he gasps, "F-Fine,  you win." I stop tickling him and he sighs, "Yes, I like her, a lot." "Really?" "Yes." "Aww. Come here." I grab his hand and race off down the hall. I catch everyone sitting on the couches and I grab Leigh-Anne's hand. I pull her in front of Jay and when they go to playfully slap me, I duck and roll, causing their hands to join, and me slap-free.

                Both have flushed cheeks as they look at their hands and Leigh-Anne looks down. "Jay, I like you, a lot." He smiles largely and he confesses, "I like you a lot too and is that why you asked me?" He looks at me and I say, "Hey! She was too shy to ask and of course I knew you did, but just in case, I asked for her sake." They shake their heads and turn away from me. Bad idea, I run up behind Leigh-Anne, and Max runs up behind Jay. On 'three' we push them into each other, causing them to kiss. Everyone 'awws' them and they make out. "EWWW! Okay, it was cute at first, but now it got DISGUSTING!" Nathan admits. Max and I high five each other and sit. When they pull away, they both playfully glare at me.

                 "So what are you wearing, Razlene?" "What?" "To the concert, you have to know what you're wearing!" Nareesha and Kelsey exclaim. "Actually, no idea, but I am wearing something that is ME. That girl I met, she liked me, because I was ME. Not some fake over-trying girl. So, probably a pair of jean shorts, my knee high sneakers, and an over-sized t-shirt." "Can I help you pick out a t-shirt?" Kelsey asks. "Sure. Out of all these six girly-girls, you are the second one to have some kind of male taste." She laughs and asks, "Is that suppose to be a compliment or an insult?" "Well, to me, it's a compliment, but it can be either way to you."


                We get dropped off at the hotel and I race to my room, Kelsey following. I shut the door and she sits on my bed. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." I say, pulling out my outfit, minus the shirt and shoes. "Well, Tom, he hasn't exactly been himself lately. He's been acting weird. I'm freaking out, but I don't  want to ask him if it's nothing." "Well, what do you mean weird?" "Like when I call him or text him he doesn't answer." "Ever?" "Ever. I think he might be cheating on me. The boys say they haven't hung out with him in a while. They say it's like Siva and him have changed places." "Hmm. I will ask him." "Thanks." She says, looking downward. "

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