Everything Has Changed

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                                                       Razlene's P.O.V:

                I get to the hotel room and call Simon. "Hello?" "Hello Mr. Cowell." "Razlene, what have I told you about calling me that?" "Sorry. I am used to doing that for people I hold much respect for." "Well, please call me Simon." "Yes, sir. I mean Mr. Cowell. I mean Simon." He chuckles and asks, " What do you need." "If the boys or girls happen to call, please let them know I am fine. I am at the hotel, but I am going to go to Target right now. Just let them know I am fine." "You sound like you have been crying?" He questions. "Um, well, I was. But our cab/ limo driver helped comfort me." "Michael?" "I am not sure. I didn't catch his name. But he was a great help." "So you are fine." "Yes Mr. Cowel- I mean Simon." I sigh. "You can tell me anything, you know?" "I know, but I prefer this to be something I don't tell now." "Okay. Well I am here to listen." "Thank you, sir-mon." He laughs," Goodbye Razlene." "Goodbye Simon. Have a good night." "You too."

                    I hang up, grab the hotel key and leave the hotel. I call one of those small time taxi companies and  ask the driver to take me to Target. "Aren't you Razlene Brooks?" "Yes?" "Can I get a picture with you? My daughter loves you." "Sure?" "She saw your performance at the café on Youtube. It has gone viral. Over seventeen million views." "Really?" "Yes! I saw it and I loved it. Do you mind singing for me?" "Sure. Just turn up the radio, please." "Of course." The song that comes on is "Obsessed" by Beyoncé. I sing along and seeing the older Caucasian woman's face light up made me want to sing even more.

                       When I finish singing, I realize we are at Target. "Goodbye, Razlene." "Goodbye-" "Ryne Kavaa." "Goodbye Ms. Kavaa. May I see your phone?" "Uh sure." She hands me her phone and I lean against the door. Ms. Kavaa catches on and puts her face next to mine." 1,2,3, SMILE!" We both smile and I tell her, "Send it to me on Twitter at razzberry1D84." "Okay!" She thanks me once more before driving off. I walk into Target and look around. I realize that she took me to one in Beverly Hills. I smile and walk down the aisles, just cruising. "OH MY GOSH! IT IS RAZLENE FREAKIN' BROOKS!" a girl no older than fourteen yells. I laugh and wave at her.

                        She beams at me and I wave her over. She races to me and engulfs me in a hug. I wrap my arms around her and hug her for a moment. "OH MY GOSH! I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM MEETING MY IDOL! YOU ARE SO MUCH PRETTIER IN PERSON! MY FRIENDS AREN'T GOING TO BELIEVE THIS! ALL THE GUYS LOVE YOU! THEY ARE GOING TO BE SO JEALOUS! EEK!" I chuckle and we let go. I take out my phone and say," On four say Razziot. 1,2,3," "RAZZIOTS!" We yell. I snap the picture and post it on Twitter. "What is your twitter name?" "@bullied01." "Why is that?" "I don't want to be a bother." "What good of an idol am I if I don't listen to my fans' stories, and plus, I asked." "Well, a girl at my school, Jamie Kaspy, makes fun of me, because I wear last season's styles and because I like Adam Lambert."

                         "What do you think about what she says?" "It hurts sometimes." She looks down and I pull her face to face mine. "Hey, it's okay. I LOVE Adam Lambert. And so what if he is gay? It's okay. As long as he's happy. You know what else?" "What?" "I bet you, she's the ONLY one who wears THIS season's fashions. I mean look at me. I wear basketball shorts, an oversized T-shirt, faded out and ripped up old Nike's. That is on a good day." She smiles and I get an idea.

                         "How about you and I look around Target and we go on a shopping spree. Anything you want. You help me pick out say, Twelve items and I help you pick out Ten. We each get twenty items. Okay?" She beams at me and I say," What  time do you have to be home?" "Six." "That gives us," I look at my phone, "Six hours. Perfect. We even will get Starbucks." "YAY!" "Let's get going. But first, let me call your mom and Tweet this perfect picture." I tweet the picture and type in 'with @bullied01 at Target. One of my biggest fans! I am so glad I get to do this for someone who I can relate to. Going on a shopping trip to help her be okay with HER style. Not the season's. <3 <3'

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