How We Do

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                                                         Razlene's P.O.V:

                      The next morning I wake up and get out of bed, my gray sweatpants falling off my waist a bit. I tug down on my baggy shirt and walk to the kitchen, after putting on tennis shoes. I pull out the groceries management had bought for us and begin to make pancake mix. I pour it into a pan and make shapes with them. I begin to finish the eggs when I hear a knock at the door. I walk to it and open it to find a red-faced Liam. "What happened? Come in." I say, moving aside and shutting the door behind him. He sits on the couch and looks downward. "Liam." I call softly. He looks at me and sputters out, "D-Dan- and she and it's all my fault." I am confused, but get up and put the food in a container for when the girls wake up. 

                      "What happened?" I ask as I sit next to him. He hands me his phone and I look down to see Twitter. I look at the tweet by Danielle. '@allrazziots You are all being hypnotized by a stupid girl who is an orphan. She's a fake. She doesn't belong in the music world, she isn't even talented. She is so horrible even her own parents dropped her. And she is a boyfriend stealer. Her and my ex, @Real_Liam_Payne are dating and were when he and I were together. She is a complete fake. Just wanted you to know the TRUE Razlene Brooks. Peace.'

                     I hand Liam back his phone and smile at him. "Liam, it isn't your fault. She said that. It isn't your fault." He looks at me and says, "Aren't you upset?" "Liam, I was bullied for umpteen years. When it stopped, I learned to move on. I got past it and yeah, it hurts, but I will get over it." He smiles and his face goes  back to it's normal color. "Let's go back to your suite and I will make breakfast for you guys." He nods and helps me up. "Thank you my good sir." He laughs and we walk to his suite.

                   Before we enter, he stops and blocks the door. "I really am sorry Raz." He apologizes looking straight into my probably green yellow eyes. "Liam it isn't-" "Not for that. For everything else that I've done to hurt you. You never have and never will deserve it." I smile and accept it. I tip toe and kiss his cheek. "Thank you." I walk inside and go straight to the kitchen.  

                    I pull out flour, the 3 packs of eggs, and a couple of necessary pots and pans. I grab a spatula and a whisk. I pull out a bowl and begin making pancake batter again. I put them in a pan freshly sprayed with Pam cooking oil and begin to make Toy Story shapes out of it for Liam. When they're finished I put all three on a plate and give them to Liam. He smiles and gasps as he names each character shape on the plate. I laugh and walk back to the stove as Niall emerges from his room. "Do I smell food?" He asks groggily, but happily, his eyes peering at me from behind his half closed eyelids. "Yes it is. What shape do you want your pancakes?" "Hmm. I don't know. You make them." "Okay."

                    I pour more batter and make his a bit bigger and make them into three leaf clovers. When all three large pancakes are done, I place them neatly in an arrangement of them. I hand them to him and he smiles brightly. "THANK YOU, RAZ! YOU'RE THE BEST!" He kisses me on the cheek and drowns the clovers with syrup. Next out comes Lou and Harry. "What shapes and how many?" "Two." "Three!" Lou yells over Harry's morning voice. "Okay. Just sit. I got it." I laugh as Harry happily falls onto the couch lazily. I shape Harry's as cats and one leg doesn't quite go as planned, but I manage to miraculously fix it. I put it on a plate and hand it to Haz, who blinks, looks at me and tackles me to the floor in a hug. I laugh and plead, "Lou, help me, otherwise you don't get your breakfast." He jumps up and pulls Haz off me.

                  I get up with the help of Lou and then go back to the kitchen. I put on three different circles of batter into the freshly sprayed pan. I shape them into carrots and let them sit for 30 seconds. I flip them onto the other side and let them sit for a minute. I turn on the radio the boys brought and turn it up a bit. It plays Rita Ora's "How We Do", and I sing along as I put Lou's pancakes onto his plate. I give it to him and the boys laugh. "You should've made them into fishies." He complains jokingly. I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs. I go back and make two mirror pancakes for Zayn. I plac them on a plate and walk across the living room to Zayn's room.

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