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                                                               Razlene's P.O.V:

                      "Because what?" I ask as he hesitates, his lips lingering next to my ear. "Because it's quite cute that you think that." "You know what I think is cute?" "What?" He asks, humor in his voice. "Itty bitty little bunnies that don't laugh at me when I spin into staircase railings." "They secretly do and you know it." "Sure, Liam." He laughs and I shake my head. "Come on." He holds his hand out, "Are you insane? I am not dancing with you..." He pouts instantly and I bend down. I take my heels off and throw them across the room to Jesy. She laughs and I quickly race upstairs to my bag in this place and pull on my knee high black and white converse. I look in the mirror and use a wet wash cloth to wipe off my make-up. I whip my hair all over the place and place it in a ponytail. I go into the room next to the bathroom and change into a pair of jeans and a big t-shirt. I race back downstairs and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy.

                     I run into Adam and he laughs. "Of course." "Hey, I am my own person." "You are and I'm glad you embraced that. The saying form earlier STILL applies to you." "Tanks for everything, but this is me. I am staying myself tonight." I race down the rest of the steps and the girls laugh, shaking their heads. I catch Liam by the bar and I walk over to him. I tap him on the shoulder and say, "Do you still want to dance or should I go get one of the crazy boys to dance with me?" "I'd be happy to dance with you." He takes my hand and leads me onto the dance floor as a slow song plays.

                  "Why'd you change clothes?" "Because, this is me and I am not changing that for anything in the world. I could give a darn about all the critique I am going to get tomorrow. If they don't like my style, oh well." Liam smiles at me and I lie my head on his chest. "You are really short." He laughs. "Or you are just really tall, meanie." I say, lifting my head and sticking my tongue out at him. He laughs even more and he spins me. Before I reach the railing, he pulls me back into his chest and I laugh as he shimmies. "You need some salsa lessons." "No." He whines. "Awww. Is someone afraid to salsa?" I tease. "No. I just dislike it." "Lies!" "It is not!" "Is too." He shakes his head and says, "What would I do without you?" "I don't know. How did you survive without me, better yet, how did your mom survive with you?" He gasps melodramatically and exclaims, "She loves me!" "She has to."

                 He pulls me in and gives me a bear hug. "Liam, can't breathe." I gasp. "Sorry." He lets me go and I kiss his cheek. "The song is over." I advise. "Oh yeah. I need to go find Harry. Go dance with Lou. He looks lonely." I nod and Liam races off. I walk over to Lou and he looks up. "Hey boobear." "Hey." He looks at me and his eyes widen, "What did you do to your dress and make-up and hair?" "I went Hannah Montana on it and took it off." He laughs and shakes his head. "Good, I'm glad. You looked beautiful with everything, but this," He gestures to my outfit and everything, "Make you look even more gorgeous because it isn't a façade." 

                 "Do you want to dance?" I ask. "No, I want you to hug me." I laugh, but wrap my arms around his torso. He laughs, sending vibrations up his chest. "What?" I ask. "I was joking." "Meanie." I squeeze him and he grunts. "Let's dance," He says pulling me to the dance floor.  We receive weird looks from the more mature guests as Lou and I randomly dance. He starts doing the 'pat the dog, screw in the light bulb' and soon Zayn, Niall, Perrie, and I join in. The Wanted lads join in to and we jump around. All the lads begin to do the hip thrust and I throw my head back laughing as Lou bumps into Niall and yells jokingly, "STAY OUT OF MY SPOTLIGHT!" 

                     At 11:00 pm, Liam and Harry joins our craziness and we begin going all crazy. I go all out and do the sprinkler. Later, Adam and Sauli joins us, gaining even more rude glances from the mature people. I look to the stairs to see Mr. Cowell smiling at us. I break away from the group and walk up to Mr. Cowell. "Mr. Cowell, I mean, uh." I sigh, "Would you like to dance with us?" "I am good for just watching." "Well, you are welcome to join us." I race down the stairs and jump over the last three. I join in and Adam side bumps me. I do it back and suddenly, we're back-to-back shoulder rocking. We break apart and I do the snorkel.

                   At 12 pm, we all leave and I grab my dress. I hug Adam and Sauli good-bye and then I surprise rush Paul. He laughs and I pull away. "Goodnight Paul. You two too." I say pointing to Adam and Sauli. We get in the limo and on the way home, I see all the paps' photos and laugh. "Oh geez, where did our clarity go?" I ask. "With our sanity," Leigh-Anne says. "Gone away." Jay finishes. I laugh and lie my head against the headrest the remaining way of home.

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