We Own the Night

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                          Thank you for waiting for this next part. Please comment and I hope you like it. I am doing a special update from Oahu, Hawai'i. So, enjoy!!!!


                                                               Razlene's P.O.V:

                                 I wake up and I laugh as I see The Wanted boys and One Direction trying to "surprise" me. Litlle Mix and The Wanted's girlfriends following them. "You guys are horrible at surprise waking up." I laugh, sitting up and making them scream. I double over my blankets and burst into laughter at their faces. Once I calm down Jay scolds me, "You could've warned us." "That I was awake? Nope, it was so much funnier this way." I reply, calming down. He sticks his tongue out and I look at the lot. "What were you guys up to anyways?" "WE were going to give you breakfast in bed," Niall starts. "And our unique and GORGEOUS vocals were going to sing you 'Happy Birthday', birthday girl." Max finishes. "Please don't, my birthday isn't that meaningful." "You are 21!" Kelsey exclaims. "No, 20." "Seriously?" "Yep." "Oh. Whoops. Sorry." She sheepishly apologizes. "It is okay."

                             I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen part of the suite. "What happened in here?" I exclaim, seeing batter all over the floor. "Remember when we said we were going to make you breakfast?" "Yes." "Well, this is why we DIDN'T make you breakfast." Liam answers. "Harry, how did this happen? You worked in a bakery since you were thirteen and even then you cooked at home when you younger." He blushes and his face turns red. I laugh and tell everyone to go get dressed. I grab a sponge, wet it, and then scrub the eggshell liquid off the floor. Halfway through, I feel hands pulling me up by my waist. I stand up and turn to find dark chocolate orbs staring at me. "Yes, Liam?" "Go get dressed. We are taking you out for breakfast and I'll finish cleaning this up." "Are you sure I can trust you? You are daddy direction and are suppose to watch the 'children'. Last time you did that, THIS happened." I tease. "Don't worry. The 'children' are washing up like you should. Now go." I smile and he removes his hands from my waist, swiftly pulling the sponge from my grasp and lightly pushing me towards the door I had come from minutes ago. I take one last look behind me to see Liam on the floor, wiping away the same liquid. I turn around and enter my room, shutting the door behind me.

                       I walk into the bathroom, strip and then take a 6 minute shower before stepping out and heading to my closet. I slip into my undergarments and then into a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie after slipping on an oversized shirt. I brush my hair, put on my glasses, grab my book and go out to the couch to wait for the others. I open the book, after sitting on the couch when I feel a presence next to me. I turn and see Liam staring at me. "You still wear those?" He asks, looking at my prescription glasses. "Yes. I wear them when I don't wear my clear contacts." "Really?" "Yes Liam. Why is it so hard to accept?" I laugh. "You have seen me wear them when we were younger." I continue. "I know, it is just I haven't seen you wear them since I have seen you." "Yeah, well it kind of sucks." "Why? You look cute in them." He compliments, smiling as his cheeks redden. "Oh my gosh! Liam Payne just complimented me!" I joke fan-girling, and 'fainting', my head falling softly in his lap.

                       I open my eyes that had been closed melodramatically, to see Liam's hand stroking my hair as he chuckles at my actions, his once red cheeks returning to his natural shade of his skin. I lift my book over my head, so I can read it looking up. I laugh as Louis sits on my lap and screams, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Liam smiles at me and I shake my head at Louis. Liam rests his hand on my forehead and I remember my head was in his lap. "I am sorry." I apologize, looking at Liam. "It is fine." He smiles. After five minutes, everyone comes out of their rooms and we get up and go.

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