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                                                                         Razlene's P.O.V:

            Me, a troublemaker? Nah. Or am I? When Liam's phone buzzed, I caught sight of the caller I.D. and answered before he could. 

             "Hello?" a female voice questioned. " 'Sup. What do you want?" "I'm Danielle and I want to speak to Liam." "Yeah? Well, I want a million dollars." "Well, according to your voice, the million dollars wouldn't put a dent in your style." "Oh my gosh, really?" "Y-," "Too bad I don't give a damn about your opinion. I don't care what bitches like you have to say." 

                  She gasped. "You did not just go there." "Oh I just went there sweetheart." "Okay, listen up punk. You can't and never will be able to get Liam. He is too high in society for you." That bugged me. She was really annoying. Gorgeous, but annoying. "Really?" "Y-." "Again, don't answer. I don't care about your opinions. Sorry boo. I'm unbreakable." "Oh really?" "Yes. Why? Were you trying to come up with something to hurt me?" "Well, you grew up getting beaten and abused so I can only imagine how ugly you are." 

                   I swallowed hard. "Guess what spoiled bitch. I grew up in high society. Does the name Brooks, ring a bell?" "You-you're their daughter?" "Very good. I left that hellhole. It was my choice and I have very good reasons. I am their long lost daughter that disappeared off the face of the world. Too bad they actually forgot to make me disappear. It would've worked out better." I could tell by all the silence, she was truly shocked.

                    "Are you okay? Need some oxygen? An ugly bitch like me, felt that way for years. That is why I left high society. So next time you feel the need to trash talk somebody, remember fat Amy. 'I think mmmm better not.' It works really well. Nice talking to you. Though I am sure you didn't enjoy the discussion with a low piece of scum like me. Sorry for wasting your time princessa. Bye!"

                    With that, I hung up and threw the phone down on the seat between Liam and myself. I looked up and locked eyes with eveyone's. "Raz, are you-" "I'm fine." I say, voicebreaking. "Raspberry, tell us." "I am okay, Niall." "No you're not! You're crying." Louis and Harry worriedly point out. "I will be fine. I just hate talking about that part of my life." "Why did you leave?" Zayn asked. "Classified." "Raz-." "Classified, Harold! CLASSIFIED! End of it." "Raz." "Please just stop. I can't do this. I need, just leave me alone." I turned, my back facing the boys. "Please talk to us. We care." "You never did before." 

                      "Yes we did." "Just Leave me alone." With that, an almost heated, intense arguement, flamed out. Everything turned to an almost calm. 

                                                       Niall's P.O.V:

                     Something was definitely wrong. Her usually gleaming ocean blue eyes, made her blonde hair into a sun, her olive skin becoming a plus and beautiful addition to her look. Her eyes didn't have that gleam. They didn't have that ignition. "Razlene, please look at me." I plead as we walk on the soft bright green blades that sprung up out of the ground.

                        She finally turned on the seventeeth time and looked at me. "What Niall?" I grab her hand and race away from the group. "Niall!" She whisper screamed as I pulled her behind a building. "Razlene. Tell me what happened, Why did you leave?" "I can't do this." "Too bad. I need to know. The usual gleam in your eyes hasn't been there after you talked to Danielle. Please, What did your parents do to make your oxygen run out?" "How do you know it was them?" She asked in shock. 

                     "YOU left. YOU had the reasons to do so. THEY said you were long lost. It adds up to that. What did they do?"  She defiantly shook her head and tried to run, but I refused to let go until I understood. She finally gave in and fell to the floor. " They abused me. They punished me for things I didn't even do. Things they did, things my brother did. Their failures were my punishment times." "Did, you know, he know?" "He tried to stop it once, but they hit him badly and I pleaded him not to do it again for his own safety." "Did he try to-." "Stop them again?" I nodded and she smiled," Yes. tediously in fact. He stopped once I left and he called the police on them." 

                      "Did they go to jail?" "No. I have to testify and I can't." "You HAVE to?" "The case has never been closed. The police and all people who knew my parents, everyone in govenment and works in politics and firefighters, they all knew the lot of them had been doing bad things to me. They keep pleading for the case to stay open until I can get my mind set on doing this." "I think you should, but you don't have to." "I think I will. Just not until I can get myself to tell the boys and Little Mix." "I agree. But when are you going to tell them?" "Soon." "You have me." "Thanks Niall."

                     "Of course." I went to leave, but she pulled me back in and kissed my cheek, then hugged me. "You deserve that." "Why?" "You just do." "Interesting." "Oh come on. They are probably wondering where we are." She grabs my hand and we are off. She races in through the door before the boys, who are really slow today, and races to the girls. 

                            When the boys sit on the couch and all the girls come down stairs, she lets go of my hand and races to Perrie. "My girlfriend! I missed you so much!" "Oh my darling! I missed you too! where were you!" "I picked roses for you." She took out a boquet of roses from her shorts and handed them to Perrie. "Oh you are so sweet." "Well..." 

                          I sat on the couch and Lou leaned over. "What happened? She didn't go berzerk on you. You walked in holding hands as if she never exploded." "She just needed to cool off. She needed someone to sing to her." "Oh. Explains a lot." I laughed as Razlene tackled the other girls in a hug. "Girls, can you sit down? I need to explain some things to you." "The boys already told us what happened." "Not our history. It is something different." "Okay?" they questioned as they sat.

                          "Um." She nervously sat on the arm chair and began," Well, boys you know how I exploded?" "Yeah. We remember that. It barely happened." They all said kind of snottily. "Okay, I can't do this, Niall." She said getting up and racing upstairs to her room. 

                               "Really boys?" "What's your  problem?" "What's yours?" "Razlene. How do you girls even like her?" "She has something to tell us. You guys could've been nicer." "What? She was being so inco." "You guys were being inconsiderate of her. You don't know what she's been through." "And you do?" "Yeah, because she just told me and she wanted to tell you all but it is really had for her to say and you guys didn't exactly help her by doing that." I say retracing Razlene's movement a moment before. 

                                  I find her door and knock once or twice. "Go away." "Raz, please. I need to talk to you." "Go away, Niall."  " Not until you let me in and I will stay out here. I will even sleep here if I have to." "Ugh." The door opened and she stood there with tears flowing down her cheeks. I walked in and shut the door behind me. "Raz, you can't stop trying." "They don't care. No one does." "I do. They do too. you just have to give them the time to come around. Especially him. it hurt him once we stopped the contact but he knew that it would obviously hurt you further do to the fans' hate." "Niall, I can deal with hate from people I don't know, I just can't deal with the people I care lots about." 

                             I smiled then frowned. "They don't deserve your tears. So, please stop crying. It kills me to see you like this." She wiped her tears away and smiled at me. "Thanks, Niall." "Anytime, love." A knock followed by a chorus of them rang from the door. "Come in." I say. The boys walk in and she cowers behind me. "Raz, we're sorry. We just don't undestand why you hate us. We never intended on hurting you. We tried to protect you." "I know." she whispered. "Then why-." " I never hated you. I was just super hurt." "So," "I am not mad at you guys."  

                           "Can we all be friends?" "I thought you'd never ask." "So, is that a yes?" "It is indeed." She smiled happily and i was happy. This couldn't get any better.

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