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                                                             Razlene's  P.O.V:

                 I wake up and look at my clock, 9 am. "Holy Crap!" I jump out of the bed and onto my bum, after slipping. "Ouch." I groan. I pull myself up and cautiously walk to my wardrobe. I change into a Geek orangey shirt and a pair of denim jeans and a denim, sleeveless jacket. I pull on knee high, black converse then pull my hair into a bun, my bangs falling in my face. I open my door and push my phone into my pocket. I walk downstairs to find Liam.

                 I stop, hearing him cursing softly under his breath. "Am I interrupting something?" I whisper. He turns fast, falling off his chair, with a loud thud. "Ow." He moaned. I race over to him and help him up. I laugh and he cracks a smile. "I love hearing you laugh." "Um," "Not to make it awkward. It is just you were always so down and when you laughed, it was like music. I loved it. It was just, so you." "Um, thanks?" "Maybe I should just be quiet." He chuckles.

                I sit next to him and ask," Why were you cursing?" "Nothing." "Liam, that wasn't nothing. You rarely ever curse, even in the worst conditions. What up?" "It is just, never mind." "Liam James Payne, answer now! I am not letting you off that easy." "Please just drop it, Razlene. Please. I am begging." "Liam, why can't," "Because it has to do with my father!" He yells. "Oh." I change the subject and relief washes over his face. "I am sorry, Razlene. You," "No, it's okay. I understand. I shouldn't have bothered you about a touchy subject like that." "Raz." "No. Seriously, it is fine."

               "What do you want for breakfast?" "Nothing. We are all going out for breakfast. We are going to Nandos." "Niall." I groan. "What?" "I don't want a big breakfast." "I will order for you." "I am hopeless." I groan, my hand sliding down my face. As my hand falls to my side, I see Perrie come down the stairs. "Girlfriend!" I push past Zayn and embrace Perrie powerfully. I kiss her on the cheek and she laughs, a small placed across her face. "Flowers AND a good morning embrace, I like this fighting going on over me. Keep it up!"

                    "Excuse me! I thought you loved me!" I joke, standing hipshot. "I-I-I don't know anymore." "Gasp," I put my hand over my heart and say, "Well, I guess we are taking a break." "Raz, no, we are taking a break!" "Ra-" "Break I say!" "Geez, I was going to tell you, you are forgetting something." Leigh-Anne reminds. "Oh. Oh! Oh, oh, oh!" I race up the stairs and grab the box from under my bed. I race down the stairs (and stumble down some) before landing on my bum... again. "Ow. My bum isn't having a great day." I stand up and hand the box to Perrie. "Although we aren't together as of this morning, I wanted to wish you a ' Feliz Cumpleanos.' Okay?" "What?" "Happy Birthday."

                  "Zayn?" I could tell he forgot. "He helped buy it. We got it yesterday, online. It came in at 23:45 a.m. So I got up and wrapped it." I interfere, flawlessly. "AWW!" "Yeah. Now, open it." I say excitedly, wanting to see her reaction. The wrapping paper fell to the floor as she opened it and I smile at he reaction. "Oh my gosh! It is the dress I have been wanting. But, it came from America!" "We ordered it, but then he called in and said it had to be here by today for your birthday and with his huge status, they got it here." "AWW! Thanks you two!" She hugs us both and Zayn walks over to me. "Does this mean you forgive me about my outburst last night?" "Yes."

                  He hugs me then smiles. "Thanks for saving my arse." "My pleasure." I laugh. "That wasn't what I meant." "What did you mean?" "Come on." She grabs my hand and pulls me to her room. "Go without us! We'll meet you there!" When we hear the door shut she looks to me. "I meant, kiss Liam." "What!?!" "Yeah, Raz, didn't you see the way he looked at you?" " Leigh-Anne, he only likes me as a friend. If that. I am just one of his old charity cases." "You are not a charity case. And I know boys, their facial expressions. He likes you or he was constipated." "He was constipated." "Raz, I mean it." "Yeah. So do I. I told you I am just his charity ca-" "No, you aren't because you are better than that. You aren't poor and you aren't parentless." " I am not poor, but think about it. I am parentless. My parents are careless and disowned me, so technically I am." "Well, it is their fault because you are a great girl."

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