Chapter 22: Rude

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"You need to see a trailer"

His tone was hoarse.

Tara tried to get off his lap but he grabbed her left hand and locked it on her back.


His warning made her numb. Tears gathered into her eyes in fear. Her breathing knocked off her throat when she felt his ring rubbing on her most sensitive region from above the fabric.


Her voice shook.


His lips made contact with the rim of her ear. His hot breathing send back to back jolt through her spine.

She trembled with the touch of his ring. What is he doing? Why is he touching her like this? This is so shameful!

Tara released a shaky breathe when he pressed his thumb on her clit. She started to throb on his arms. This position is way to intimate for her to handle. She closed her eyes in shame.

He released her hand and this time he grabbed her jaw. She whimpered with his roughness. Her lips puckered due to the pressure of his fingers. He pulled her face closer and then his lips got crashed on her puckered lips.

She was shocked after witnessing his act. He didn't kiss her like previously. It felt like he is punishing her. This kiss is something weird. It felt like he is devouring her flesh without any emotions. It's raw and wild.

An unexpected moan escaped from her mouth when she felt his thumb moving down there. He is making circles on her clit. As an instant reaction she pressed her thighs together. This time he encircled his leg around her and parted her thighs. All the time his lips were sucking her lips in an insane pace.

The tip of his thumb kept on moving on her fabric. She felt shivers all over. She felt something is going to come out. Sweat appeared on her forehead. She felt his urgent strokes on her clit. This made her body to tremble back to back. Her limbs become paralysed.

Tara felt so dizzy. At the same time an unknown sensation build inside her. It felt like her body is craving for something foreign. She never felt this before. It's like an undeniable satiety. Unknowingly she grabbed his wrist which is buried in between her thighs. She tried to ply off his muscular hand. She felt like her body will burst into flames if he kept on doing that.

She broke the kiss and tilted her head back. Her abdomen clenched and her body convulsed with full intensity. She felt like she is not here. Her mind got covered with a shattering sensation. It got splashed all over her body. Tears spilled out of her eyes due to this intense pleasure.

Her body got loosened on his hard chest. She kept on breathing heavily to recover from this thing which just happened to her.

After a while she opened her eyes when she regained her senses. She clearly understood the thing that just happened to her.

She orgasmed for the first time. She had released on her panty. She felt the stickiness clearly.

At the same time she felt something hard is poking her ass. Her heart rate increased after realising what it could be. Before she could got down from his lap, she felt him grabbing her waist and within a second he roughly pushed her on her side.

Then he opened the door and got off the car in full motion. It felt like he was running away from something.

Tara sat like a robot. She find him smoking back to back. He is releasing the puff very fast and he is running his fingers through his hair in a distrubing way. It felt like he is controlling some urges like this.

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