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Everyone was being weird, and it was beginning to unsettle you.

Himiko was super grinny, even more so than usual whenever you were in the same room as her, her eyes sparkling with complete adoration and love as she looks at you.

Spinner was nearly the same, always smiling at you and trying to be more playful with you than usual, hanging over your shoulder when you're trying to play your game and pointing out things in-game. As much as it was nice to have his attention, it still did make your face go all hot and made you feel all uncomfortable.

So you started hiding away when you played your games.

Your Uncle Jin had started to avoid you as much as possible. That hurt a lot. Especially when you would manage to catch him and talk to him a little bit, only for him to randomly clap his hands over his mouth and dart off away from you again.
When you asked Dabi about it, he brushed it off by saying that Jin 'wasn't wired right' and that you knew it, but even with how strange Uncle Jin could be, he never avoided you before.

And Dabi and Tomura were being weird themselves. You kept catching them having hushed conversations around the house, and if you tried to approach them, they'd really obviously change their entire body language, moving away from each other and exchanging a look you didn't understand or particularly like before encouraging you to go and study, play or draw.

Shooing you away from them.
And that hurt even more than how Jin was being.

Atsuhiro, Kurogiri and Zero all were behaving normally, though, so you tried to hang around them as much as possible.
But they weren't your favourites.

Atsuhiro uses a lot of words you didn't really know or understand, and tells you stories you don't understand too and Kurogiri is pretty boring, not really speaking when spoken to unless he's telling you off.

But Zero was always nice to be around.


"Uncle Zero?"

"Yes, little Star?" Is the immediate response, Zero turning his head to reveal his scarred face.

"Can you come and draw with me?" You ask, holding Cloud to your chest with the full intention of bringing him into your room for company too.

"Of course." Zero replies, getting out of his chair opposite Tomura, leaving him to look at the scattering of papers alone.

He'd been doing that a lot recently, reading lots of papers and signing a lot of things, sometimes with Dabi or sometimes with Zero supervising and other times he would do it completely alone.
You learned quickly not to interrupt him while he was looking at the papers, and you weren't allowed to even peek at what they said.

"What are we drawing, Star?" Zero asks as he follows you up the stairs.

"Whatever you like." You reply breezily. You just wanted the company. "I'm gonna draw Zelda."

"The princess from your game." Zero states, as if he was explaining it to himself.

"Yeah." You say, and then add: "She's pretty and everybody loves her."

"Just like you then, Star." Zero says evenly, smiling and tilting his head at you.

Your face heats up and you open your bedroom door without another word, placing Cloud onto the bed before climbing onto your bed yourself as Zero gets your sketchbook and pencils, sitting cross legged at the end of the bed and waiting for you to open the book to two clean pages.
When you do, Zero passes you a pencil and takes one for himself.

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