Chapter 38-The true horror was the one inside us✨(ForcedGods Multiverse)

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Ink and Error discover there are scarier things then FATE and Blue is having all of his dreams come true


ForcedGods Multiverse

Council of Sans

"Have you been eating? You look like you've lost weight. Did you go through your supply of plates already, Star?"

"This place was boring but I did have a yummy meal. Have you seen the golden numbers before? They were extra tasty!"

"They were? I'll be sure to tell End that. I'm sure we can find more places where you can eat that type of Code. I bet i can even make one with the tastiest Code of all!"

"Can we still see the Deity?"

"Of course! They aren't dead yet, as i wanted to make sure you could see them up close!"

"Thank you, Creator!"

Error looked on in horror at the conversation happening in front of him, sadly one of the few intelligent monsters in the room, so he got the joy of fully understanding what they were talking about.

The resemblance between the babybones and the insane Ink was scarily similar, thanking every Deity that he hadn't been stuck with that Ink for all the RESETS.

What kind of psycho actively tries to go to places with Deities trying to ignore the mind breaking information that there were more hells like this out there but wisely decided not to say a word.

He didn't care if he was accused of cowardice, as even before he had taken a peak of this monsters CHECK he had put them in the same category as the 'child'. He was still sceptical that is all they were, twitching when he felt his CHECK changed yet again by the tiny menace.

Origin took a sip of his yellow paint, not noticing how his sockets were filled with bright stars the whole time he was here and was deeply unnerving the monsters around him.

He nodded along as Star babbled, ignoring the Creator holding them entirely as they were only a small fry.


"Im suddenly very glad I've never tried to get into your dreams, Blue"

"It's not a great place. So many theories. So many haunting pictures..."

"..are you ok, Dream?"


He snorted, his gaze drifting to the Blue of this place and grinning at the excited squeal this garnered.

What an amusing monster, much livelier than his own by far.

That reminded him, perhaps he should check if his multiverse was still stable at some point....

End stiffened when he felt more things enter his multiverse he wasn't calling any of these things monsters, disliking the implications of what else might be out there otherwise his glitches growing worse when he saw a black thing rush into the room.


What was that and why was it so large?!

"Brom! I have so much to tell you!"


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