Chapter 39- Maybe that wasn't the best idea...(Shattered? Multiverse)

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End is reaching a new level of stress and is resigned to being the sensible one in the family.



Ends expression was forcibly placid, only the strings he kept summoning that quickly disappeared into the white showed his clear agitation. His mate wasn't too far away, napping with Jammy on a bean bag he had acquired from a very nice Error who sadly no longer required it due to a 'tragic accident'.

He had not been in the mood to deal with an irritating Destroyer, frankly impressed by his self control not to destroy the last place he was in.

He was still annoyed that Origin had decided to give Star a fragment of a Deity something that should not be in children's handsbut knew it was futile to ask for it back. Star had gushed hard over the deceptively innocent crystal, at this point just glad they didnt try and eat it as he didnt want to test what a Deities magic would do to Stars Code.

It was already hard enough trying to decipher the surface level of the babybones Code and even that was a mess of corruption and healthy Code, that somehow worked in perfect harmony. To say he had a SOUL attack the first time he saw it was putting it lightly, unsure how Stars body worked exactly as it wasn't even close to Jammys Code.

He had been so happy when he had been allowed to look at his eldest child's Code Jammys 'parents' could pry that title off their dust if they tried to fight him relieved that at least one of his children was easier to take care of.

He was dreading any future illness with Star, trying to think of any doctor that would possibly be able to treat them and was already planning to look for some.

He refused to let what happened to their first child to happen again, unsure if his SOUL would be able to take it.

While all of this was very important and added to the seemingly every growing list on things his children needed, something else had sadly sprung right to the top within seconds.

Star was missing...again.

At this point he truly wondered if he had spent more time searching for their first adopted child somedays wanting to cry and laugh at how Star still hadn't noticed or actually spent time with them.

He couldn't even blame Star this time but should have known something like this would happen eventually.

While he deeply loved his mate he wasnt oblivious to their more mischievous traits and unfortunately their Broomy heavily took after them. He was still stressed after Origin fought FATE for the fifth time so he felt it understandable he had let his guard down.

He had thought a nice mini break in the AntiVoid would be perfect, Star being far too busy being smothered by Brom and Jammy to have possibly rejected it, so it was a perfect idea that even Origin agreed on.

It would let his mate come down from their paint overdose and give him some quiet time with his family until they decided to go somewhere else. He had decided he quite liked travelling and was unsure if they would ever settle but thinking more on having a few places with permanent houses.

He had even managed to make a rough plan with Origin while the kids played his strings and Origin magic were perfect for entertaining kids and Jammy was still one no matter what they said.

Of course he should have known things wouldn't be so peaceful for long and thinking back on it having even two peaceful quiet days was frankly a miracle.

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