Chapter 37- 'Child'? How about 'creature from the depths'(ForcedGods Multiverse)

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Ink and Error are so very stressed and it just seems to get worse when a sudden stranger arrives


ForcedGods Multiverse

Council of Sans

Error was pretty sure his years of dealing with monsters with the IQ of gnats was the only reason he managed to hold onto his restraint and not just dust everyone in the room. He was impressed by Inks' restraint though, unsure how they dealt with these idiots for the last two hours without more dust littering the room.

He cringed when he heard Blue mumble some more nonsense, wondering how they kept their creepy conspiracy board going no matter how many RESETS occured. He recalled in one timeline where he had stalked them, paranoid they might have been working with FATE with how on the nose some of their 'theories' were.

Now he knew better, learning the hard way that Blue was certifiably insane.

He should know, as he had gotten tested in one RESET when Ink grew worried about some of his practices he had made the therapist cry but at least he got an answer in the end.

He thought Blue was one of the more unhinged NPC's due to how unassuming they were, having promised to himself to never look at their board again when he saw the many theories concerning him and Ink.

He would honestly prefer to go back to that RESET when Dream went insane and ate all the apples and thought only Positivity should exist. That had been a wild time, some days missing the constant movement and crazy times.

So much dust in the air. All the screams and running.

So very nostalgic...

"Error, are you reminiscing about DreamSwap again?"


"You do recall nearly being dusted several times during the whole thing-"

"I said i wasn't reminiscing! Now keep still while I finish your Code"

Ink sighed at the blatant lie, passing a pen to the squirming babybones still in his lap and not batting an eye when they began eating the item. He had fed them multiple things so far as a distraction while Error worked to fix their Code, feeling a bit like he was in the presence of an eldritch creature.

The babybones was confusing enough for one, not to mention their power which the two of them were finding hard to redirect. Half the room was already covered in an assortment of flowers blatantly ignoring how a few Sans nearly got eaten by the rose bush and he had directed Dream to remove any squishy mortals as well.

He would have preferred everyone leave but Dream could be rather stubborn and he was in no mood to argue with anyone, especially with Blue when they were in this sort of mood.

He didn't really care what happened to the 'Bad Sans', never really seeing them as friends and was fine if they ended up as casualties in the process.

"All done. Now let's see if we can-"

Everyone jumped when the doors slammed open Killer was unluckily flung across the room as he was standing close to the doors but somehow survived all staring in disbelief at the monster by the door.

"Star! You have fun? I bet you did. Want to go see a Deity? We should have a few minutes until they...disappear but still plenty of time to have fun!!"

"You found one, Creator?! I want to look at it!"

Ink gave a world weary sigh when he saw a monster bearing his face standing there with a manic grin on their face and covered in golden dust that oddly reminded him of monster dust and made him very suspicious of their words, suddenly feeling the deep need to drink from his blue vial.


...he should have listened to Error and never created Blue, feeling weariness deep in his bones when he saw Blue pull out 'The Book' and quickly write something down that he would do his best to avoid.

His life was already insane, he didn't need to hear how it could be even worse.

"..I have no clue what is going on right now. Error? Which one is your mate? How come you never showed me your child? Aren't we friends?"

Error sighed when this somehow got the rest of the NPC's attention, getting a headache as the sound of chatter filled the room as they were shaken out of their fear, briefly considering summoning his magic to remind everyone just who he was.



End had managed to track down Star with the help of Brom, wishing he was more surprised when he realised it was in a place touched by FATE but was unable to muster a hint of surprise.

This was Star he was talking about, unsure how they managed to do this on their first time travelling the omniverse by themselves and trying to push back the dread when he realised this meant they would be able to do this again in the future.

He needed to find a stronger tracker and fast, just knowing that as soon as he looked away from the babybones for a single second they would vanish into thin air. He was grateful for his immortal status, unsure how he would be able to keep up with the babybones otherwise and relieved that at least his other kid was easier to keep track of.


"I don't care if you eat anyone, Brom. As long Star stays safe, everything is on the table"

He might be the voice of reason between him and his mate but that hardly made him moral, preferring to have a rough guideline then anything in stone. He had already told Jammy they could be a full time Destroyer and he would still be proud of them, pulling them into a hug when they burst into tears while inwardly planning more destruction for their original home.

He had let Origin go on ahead to search the place as they had been rather high on paints due to the stress but felt he might have made a large mistake when he noticed the Code of the multiverse glitch and shudder in unnatural ways he had a sinking feeling he would have to drag them out of another fight when he got to them.


Ink: *Showing a picture of a DreamSwap slaughtering everyone and one of Blue just sitting peacefully* Can you tell me the difference between these pictures?

Error: *With zero hesitation* There isn't one, they are both insane!

Blue: *Sneezing as he adds a new theory to his conspiracy board with pictures he should have no way of having*..I WONDER IF SOMEONE IS TALKING ABOUT ME?


Ink and Error: *Having been through many tortures throughout all the RESETS* We can deal with a lot

Blue: *Cackling as he adds more theories to his conspiracy board and book*

Ink and Error: *Looking at Blue warily* But that is a step too far


Origin: *Gotten into a fight with FATE and clearly overdosed on paints* ready to have fun, Star?!

Star: *Vibrating in excitement*

Ink and Error: *Looking between the two and seeing a resemblance* so that's where they got it from...


End and Origin: *Smiling as they watch their children* We love both of our children

Jammy: *Experimenting with destroying AU's*

Star: *Casually editing Code and corrupting multiverse left right and centre*

End and Origin: Aren't they perfect? 🥰

Every other monster in the vicinity: *Trying to run as far as they can*

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