Chapter 46

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4:00 AM

Ibrahim stirred from his sleep, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness of their bedroom. The first thing he noticed was the empty space beside him where Mehak should have been. He sat up, a sense of unease creeping into his chest.“Mehak?” he called out softly, but there was no response.He got up and walked to the bathroom, hoping to find her there. 

The light was off, and the room was empty. Panic started to set in as he checked the rest of the bedroom, but Mehak was nowhere to be found.

4:10 AM

Ibrahim hurried downstairs, his heart pounding in his chest. The mansion  was silent, with only the faint hum of the refrigerator breaking the quiet. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he heard the sound of the front door opening.

He turned towards the entrance, and there she was Mehak, stepping inside the mansion with a box of ice creams in her hands.

 Relief washed over him, quickly followed by confusion and concern.“Mehak!” he exclaimed, running towards her. He pulled her into a tight hug, his mind racing with questions. “Where were you? How did you get these ice creams?”Mehak looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes, her lips forming a small pout. 

“I went to that stall on the road,” she said softly.Ibrahim's eyes widened in shock. “You went there all alone? At this time? Are you mad?” His voice was a mixture of worry and anger.Tears welled up in Mehak’s eyes, and she started to cry. “I wanted to eat ice cream, but you were saying no. So I bought it myself,” she explained between sobs.Ibrahim felt a pang of guilt but also frustration. 

“Who gave you money?” he asked, his voice gentler now.“No one,” Mehak replied, wiping her tears. “I told the ice cream uncle that I will give him the money tomorrow. He was saying no, but I begged him a lot. Now go and give him the money.”Ibrahim stood there, stunned. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Mehak had gone out in the middle of the night, alone, to get ice cream on credit.“You did all this just for ice cream?” 

he asked, shaking his head in disbelief.Mehak nodded, her tears still flowing. “I’m sorry, Ibrahim. I just really wanted it.”Ibrahim sighed, pulling her into another hug. “You scared me, doll What if something happened to you?”She sniffled, resting her head against his chest. “I’m sorry.”He kissed the top of her head, feeling the last of his anger melt away. “Promise me you’ll never do this again.”“I promise,” she whispered.

4:30 AM

They sat down in the living room, the box of ice creams between them. Ibrahim opened it and handed Mehak one of her favorite flavors. She took it with a small smile, her eyes still red from crying.“I’ll go to the stall first thing in the morning and pay the man,” Ibrahim said, taking an ice cream for himself.“Thank you,” Mehak said softly.

As they ate their ice creams in silence, Ibrahim couldn’t help but think about how much he liked her, even when she did things that drove him crazy. He reached out and took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“You know I just want to keep you safe, right?” he said.Mehak nodded, looking at him with a mix of affection and apology. “I know. And I’m sorry I worried you.”He smiled, leaning in to kiss her cheek. “Let’s just enjoy our ice creams and forget about it, okay?”She smiled back, the first genuine smile since she had walked through the door. “Okay.”5:00 AMWith their ice creams finished, they headed back upstairs, hand in hand. Ibrahim made sure the doors were locked and everything was secure before they finally returned to bed.As they lay down, Ibrahim wrapped his arms around Mehak, holding her close. He could feel her relaxing against him, her breathing steady and calm.

“Good night, doll,” he whispered.“Good night, Ibrahim,” she murmured back, already half-asleep.In the quiet of the early morning, Ibrahim felt grateful for the small moments like this. Moments of affection, worry, and ultimately, relief. He closed his eyes, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could handle anything.And with that comforting thought, he finally drifted back to sleep, Mehak safe and sound in his arms.

Morning After Breakfast

The sun was shining brightly as the family gathered around the breakfast table. Laughter and conversation filled the room, creating a warm and cheerful atmosphere. Ibrahim finished his tea and set his cup down, looking over at his father.“Dad, let’s go to the office,” he said, rising from his seat.Before leaving, Ibrahim’s eyes found Mehak. 

His gaze softened, filled with affection. This tender moment didn’t go unnoticed. Farha Sameera, Adeel, Ira, and Alim exchanged knowing glances, smiling at the silent exchange between them.

Ibrahim gave Mehak a small, reassuring smile before stepping out with his father. Mehak watched him go, her heart fluttering slightly. She felt a mixture of happiness and longing, wanting to be near him always.

Mehak's RoomAfter Ibrahim left, Mehak returned to her room. She felt a strange restlessness, an urge to be outside and breathe in the fresh air. Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Farha was sitting on the couch, lost in thought. Her mind kept drifting back to Mehak, a concern tugging at her heart.Suddenly, Farha’s eyes widened as she realized something. “Shit, how can I miss this?” she muttered to herself, her mind racing with thoughts and plans.


Mehak decided she needed to clear her head. She got ready, slipping into a comfortable dress and tying her hair back. She made her way downstairs, hoping to find a moment of peace outside.As she reached the living room, she saw Farha still sitting on the couch. Mehak approached her with a hesitant smile.

“Maasi, I wanted to go out. Can you take me somewhere?” she asked softly.Farha looked up, her initial surprise quickly replaced by a warm smile. “Of course, Mehak. Let’s go.”The DriveFarha and Mehak got into the car, and Farha started driving towards the outskirts of the city. The roads were less crowded, and the scenery gradually changed from bustling city streets to quiet, open fields.Mehak leaned back in her seat, feeling the tension in her shoulders ease.

 The wind blew gently through the open window, carrying the fresh scent of nature. It was exactly what she needed.Farha glanced at Mehak, her concern evident. “Is everything okay, Mehak?” she asked gently.Mehak nodded, giving Farha a small smile. “Yes, Maasi. I just needed some fresh air. Thank you for taking me.

”Farha nodded, understanding that sometimes a change of scenery could work wonders.A Quiet SpotThey stopped by a small park, surrounded by trees and flowers. It was a serene place, far from the noise and chaos of the city. 

Mehak stepped out of the car, taking a deep breath and feeling the peace of the place wash over her.Farha followed, watching Mehak with a thoughtful expression. They walked together in silence, the only sounds being the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves.

A Heartfelt Conversation

They found a bench and sat down, the quiet moments allowing them both to reflect. Farha finally broke the silence, her voice gentle.

“Mehak, I’ve been thinking about you a lot,” she said. “You’ve been through so much. How are you holding up?”Mehak looked at Farha, her eyes softening. “I’m doing better, Maasi. It’s just… sometimes I feel overwhelmed. But Ibrahim has been wonderful. He makes everything seem easier.”Farha smiled, nodding. 

“I’ve seen the way he looks at you, Mehak. He likes you very much.”Mehak felt a warmth spread through her chest at the mention of Ibrahim. “I know. And I like him too.”Farha reached out, taking Mehak’s hand in hers. “You’re strong, Mehak. Don’t ever forget that. And remember, we’re all here for you.”Mehak squeezed Farha’s hand, feeling grateful for the support and love surrounding her. “Thank you, Maasi. It means a lot to me.”

Author note.
Hello my beautiful readers how are you all? Did you all like the chapters? Are you all ready for the twist? Tell me in the comment section 

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