Chapter 47

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On the Way HomeAs Farha and Mehak drove back from their peaceful outing, Farha glanced at Mehak and noticed the calmness in her expression. She decided it was a good time to suggest a little detour.“Mehak, how about we go to the mall for a bit?” Farha suggested with a smile.

 “We could do some window shopping or grab a coffee.”Mehak looked at Farha and nodded. “That sounds nice, Maasi. Let’s go.”At the MallThe mall was bustling with people, the air filled with the hum of conversations and the sound of footsteps.

 Farha and Mehak walked side by side, taking in the vibrant atmosphere. They browsed through several stores, occasionally stopping to admire something or try on an accessory.Farha noticed Mehak’s spirits lifting as they roamed the mall. They shared light-hearted conversations and laughed together, enjoying the carefree moments.

Ibrahim’s OfficeMeanwhile, Ibrahim sat in his cabin, unable to concentrate on his work. His mind kept drifting back to Mehak, and he found himself smiling as he thought about her.“What are you doing to me, Mehak?” he murmured to himself, feeling a mix of love and longing.

He got up from his desk, unable to resist the urge to see her. Grabbing his keys, he decided to leave the office early and surprise her at home.At the MallBack at the mall, Farha and Mehak were near a large fountain in the center of the shopping area. Farha suddenly turned to Mehak.“Mehak, I need to use the washroom. 

You stay here, and I’ll be back in a while, okay?” Farha said, pointing to a nearby bench.Mehak nodded and sat down on the bench, watching the people pass by. Farha walked towards the restrooms but quickly pulled out her phone once she was out of sight. She dialled Ibrahim’s number, her fingers trembling slightly.“Ibrahim, it’s massi” she said as soon as he picked up. “Mehak has run away.”

Ibrahim’s heart skipped a beat. “What?” he exclaimed, his voice filled with panic. “What do you mean she’s run away?”Farha took a deep breath, trying to keep her voice steady. “I left her for just a moment, and now she’s gone. I can’t find her anywhere in the mall.”Ibrahim felt a surge of fear and anger. “Stay there, maasi. I’m coming right now,” he said before hanging up the phone. He rushed out of his office, his mind racing with worry.

Mehak sat on the bench, completely unaware of the commotion. She enjoyed watching the children play near the fountain and the couples walking hand in hand. A small smile played on her lips as she thought about Ibrahim and how much she missed him.Farha, meanwhile, kept an eye on Mehak from a distance. She knew she had to act quickly to avoid causing a scene, but she also wanted to make sure Mehak stayed safe.

Within minutes, Ibrahim arrived at the mall, his heart pounding. He quickly scanned the area, looking for Farha. He spotted her near the entrance, her face filled with worry.“maasi, where is she?” he asked urgently.

Farha took a deep breath, ready to reveal the truth. “Ibrahim, she’s in this mall only. Don’t worry. I lied to you earlier to get you here quickly.”Ibrahim’s eyes widened in shock. “What? Why would you do that?

”Farha placed a reassuring hand on his arm. “Listen, Ibrahim, I needed to talk to you about something important. I’ve noticed something strange. Mehak’s behaviour towards you changed suddenly. She suddenly started to like you, and that’s not possible. Yesterday, I saw her expression—it was saying something else.”Ibrahim’s heart sank. “What are you trying to say, maasi?”

Farha looked around to ensure no one was listening. “I think we need to test her. We need to see if she really likes you or if she’s pretending. If she’s pretending, she might try to run away from this mall. But don’t worry—she won’t be able to. This is your mall, and she doesn’t know that.”Ibrahim felt a mix of disbelief and sadness. He had always trusted Mehak and wanted to believe in her love. But Farha’s words planted a seed of doubt in his mind. “Okay, maasi. We’ll check her,” he said reluctantly.

Farha and Ibrahim moved to a nearby café where they could keep an eye on Mehak without being seen. Farha explained her plan in detail, and Ibrahim agreed, though his heart was heavy with uncertainty.Mehak, still sitting on the bench, began to feel a bit restless. 

She looked around, wondering why Farha was taking so long. After a while, she stood up and decided to explore the mall a bit more. She walked past various stores, her mind wandering.Farha nudged Ibrahim. “She’s on the move. Let’s see what she does.”

Ibrahim watched Mehak closely, his heart aching with every step she took. He didn’t want to believe that she could be pretending, but he had to be sure. 

Mehak seemed to be enjoying herself, occasionally stopping to look at a display or admire a piece of jewelry.After a while, Mehak looked around as if searching for something. She seemed confused and a bit lost. Ibrahim’s heart pounded in his chest. Was she looking for a way to escape?

Suddenly Mehak started to cry while looking here and there seeing this Ibrahim heart sank he said “maasi she is crying”  Farha turned to Ibrahim. “She’s still here. Let’s wait a bit longer.”They continued to watch as Mehak eventually returned to the bench near the fountain, looking around for Farha. 

She didn’t seem to be in a hurry to leave or escape.After what felt like an eternity, Ibrahim couldn’t take it anymore. He got up and walked towards Mehak, his heart heavy but his mind made up.“Mehak,” he called out as he approached her.

Mehak looked at ibrahim and gets shocked without any delay she runs towards him hugged ibrahim tightly she told him “ibrahim I got so scared” 

Maasi told me she will come in a while but she didn't come yet I don't know anything about this place. Ibrahim smiles hearing this and said “don't worry princess you are safe here”.

Mehak looked up, and asked“Ibrahim! What are you doing here?” “I came to see you, doll. I couldn’t stay away.” maasi told me you both are here.

Farha joined them, smiling gently. “Ibrahim, I think we have our answer.”Ibrahim looked into Mehak’s eyes, searching for any hint of deceit. But all he saw was genuine warmth and affection. He sighed with relief, realizing how wrong he had been to doubt her.

Mehak looked at farha and asked what answer maasi?farha looked into her eyes and said nothing beautiful I think we should go home.

As they left the mall together, Ibrahim felt a renewed sense of trust and liking for Mehak. He knew that no matter what doubts or fears might arise, their bond would always be strong enough to overcome them.

Farha walked beside them, feeling content. She had done what she thought was necessary, and now she could see the liking between Ibrahim and Mehak was genuine.Together, they headed home, ready to face whatever the future held, secure in the knowledge that their bond was real and unbreakable.

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